
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

Art Journal Flip May 2012

Last weekend at Matchbox Studios I caught up with Catherine. I hadn’t seen Catherine since early 2011 so it was great to see her. She mentioned it would be good to collaborate on something…. I thought a  decided to do a journal swap would be cool.

The way we are working this journal swap. Both swap journals that’s filled with drawing/paintings etc… and enhance and work over one anothers work. I’m really exciting to see what will come out of it.

I have over the year followed her blog Black and Coloured Stuff. Go check it out, fantastic drawings and paintings. Plently of color which I’m always a fan of.

Here’s the journal that I’m going to be giving her this week. This is mostly filled with life drawings that I’ve painted over with gouache (found my nice blight brush recently). May take this into course tomorrow and life paint… something different to the drawing.

I may do another journal flip of the journal she gives me - before and after is important.
