
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

monitor setup drawings

Very sleepy right now but had a great evening with the drawing. I have a three monitor setup - on my main samsung: gimp in full screen. On the small square monitor to the left: photo reference. Laptop: Hulu (usually films). I have a headset that I use for the films. Would like to add speaker and pandora radio to the mix. Here are digital drawings from the day:


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June First Drawings

On the first of June I got a bunch of digital drawings complete - all reference from RedditGetsDrawn. New tablet is excellent - looking back at some of my older tablet (cte55) the quality in pressure is useless.


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Mays paint

Before I sleep here are some more digital drawings. More in the morning.


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End of May digital drawings

I slept in a little today but awoke and painted. I am very happy about the tablet and the results im getting. I’ve been unable to produce gray-scale and color layers yet. I may just take these images onto my phone and color them with sketchbook pro.

I lost my sketchbook when I was in Auckland. I need to buy a new one - a5 will be fine.

Here are some more drawings


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May Paintings

It’s been a long time since I have updated with some artwork. I have myself a new tablet so my plan is to work on more art and upload it. For a long time I was updating this site every two or so days. I’ve slacked off in this and other projects. I have my code which has been going well.

Here is the result from the new tablet and drawing people on RedditGetsDrawn. I am happy with the tablet. Small, but I get the result. I use to own an intous5 medium which was a little too large. The small fits me fine.

Happy I had no problems with the linux drivers also - it was all plug and go. We installed the drivers on the machines at the center - so have it working there.

Enjoy - may-soulder-line may-faire-line may-punkfair-line

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punk jam

Concept art digital paintings for the Cyber Punk Jam. These last few game jams I have done I have focused on just producing artwork and a little 3d. I need to start getting into making games using the godot engine. I have been sick, but i am feeling better.

Enjoy -


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bacon game jam 07 - hungry

artwork i painted to Bacon Game Jam 07. hung-line

Reference was a portrait on RedditGetsdrawn. Then did everything else from imagination.


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