
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

Sketchbook palmerston North

Heres an update of some pencil concept art drawings I did. On Thursday I decided to go to palmerson north. I normally dont get out often so its great for me to get away. Sadly my sleeping patterns have been crazy weird (staying awake 40 plus hours - sleeping during the. I’m somewhat happy at the moment which is the main thing. Anyway. Eniugh of the ranting about my life and lets get into some artwork.

There is a game jam happening this week known as the mid summer jam. The theme is growth with an extra theme being secrets. Majority of game jams use words for their prompts - id like to see a visual game jam where they gave you an image (or several) and get your insprition through that.

Id always wanted to create my own game jam - maybe I should create a concept art jam where the prompts are paintings/art assets. I know a few artists so could be cool if we each submit a piece for the start of the jam. Might write and sketchdown a few ideas…


This was drawn from my imagination and characters referenced from a character Catherine had created. I used this character in my recent Unity project si decided to sketch down further ideas. I’m going to ask catherine if she’s interested in producing digital paintings of this by painting over… maybe using the same colors as the other works to keep the harmoney and flow with characters.

I need to produce some 3d works from her paintings. The computers are setup great for modeling. Might aim for something tomorrow. I don’t like to sleep but I have a feeling after this Rugby game I’m going to be very tired


Another drawing produced well eating lunch. I believe a had a burger because burgers are delicious.

The background enviorment is crea

