Sketchbook auckland
Here are drawings from a protest in Waihi and Aucland.
I love my new landscape sketchbook - the pages are long! These drawings are all in my A4 visual diary.
Sketch of Janelle protesting across the street. I held my sign with my legs and just sketched, multitasking. I did several drawings of Janell in my sketchbook - and in return she drew a portrait of herself for me.
A merge of the ‘Fuck the system’ badge attached to Janelles jeans and the massive hole at Waihi - Mining! The view was incredible - shame I didn’t have my normal pencils - only this yellow. The line is much heavier than pencil.
Portrait that Janelle drew in my book during the car drive up to Auckland. I always like it when someone gives me a piece of their own creative lives.
Henderson drawing. This was at the train station - observing an intersection below. Aucklands been fun to explore with my sketchbook.
The drive up north with Gary. I tried to fill in perspective - by using both the view outside the car and the interal of the car. Roads were a large focus of this - attempting to capture the scale and rotation.
Candles. Where I stayed with Gary. This is the view from the kitchen table- Again working with perspective - candles in foreground and shelf in background.
Where me and Gary stopped for the break on the trip. It was a beautiful view so I did a quick sketch. I included someones van for added scale.