The weather has been cold and I’ve been home in Hamilton. Other than a ecommerce business meetup I have not been to any. I have been playing a few too many games, but getting sick and bored of it. Hopefully I make it to life drawing this Friday as it has been awhile since I have made it.
Here are recent artworks. I have been using the Pi on my larger Samsung monitor.
Notes taken well watching pycon2016 videos. The talk was on writing an excellent programming blog. I am going to talk about the talk at the Hamilton Python User Group on Monday. I will take this artwork and turn it into slides.
The title page for the talk I will give. I drew a portrait of the speaker along with the logo of pycon2016
Grayscale tonal layer of the title page.
Along with pycon2016 videos I watched pydata London videos. These are notes I took with a statistic tutorial from the event. Pepper and Carrot draws and notes were started - Saffron Witchcraft.
Begin of concept art for EOW - water treatment plant.