
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

Maya Building

I’ve taken a break from the blog well I’ve been in Levin. I’ve taken a break from artwork in general - the last week was a crazy time of life drawing and a break has been wonderful. What have I been doing? Playing Brick-Force lots - very impressed by it. It still has a long way to go but still - Minecraft meets call of duty.I enjoy the map editing mode. It got me interesting in looking into using the Source/

Blender. I got into Blender again several weeks ago and it was fun to fire it up again. This time instead of working on a character model I choose an environment.

I worked on a building and the area around it. The H was a start of a character model - but I quite like it as it is. I’ll keep working on this scene this week.

Here’s a closeup of the building. I’ll like to learn how to apply real textures to these - I downloaded this program from Wood Workshop to generate textures.

I’m going to buy a new pen for my tablet tomorrow (wont receive it till next week), must photograph and upload the life drawings from the Friday class last week.
