Artwork from the past week. Had the Wacom drawing tablet connected to the Raspberry Pi 3 that is attached to a large television. Still have the portable Raspberry Pi with touch screen but it’s nice to work on a large monitor - especially for tonal and color layers.
Majority of this artwork is digitising pencil drawings from 2012/2013.
Working vertical. Line drawing reference included works from Levin, Wellington, Auckland and RedditGetsDrawn portraits.
Grayscale tonal layer of my old school in Levin. Unlike the previous artwork this is just one pencil drawing reference.
The line layer of Levin North School drawing. I added extras to the drawing including triangles and waves at the bottom of the artwork.
A Pepper and Carrot artwork. The reference was a pencil comic strip of Pepper and Carrot in the desert. I added legs to Pepper and remixed the logo. Pepper was drawn again from a pencil reference.
Montage of traced pencil enviorment drawings - Levin, Wellington, South Island, and Auckland. Two portraits (four people) from RedditGetsDrawn.