Attended Rails Camp NZ 2016. It was my first Ruby event. The location was Wellington, New Zealand. Hired out YMCA campgrounds on the weekend.
beer, cider, rum.
On the Saturday morning I went for a walk and drew horses.
The Saturday talks.
Talks were given in a unconference style. There was no official timetable but had a paper at the event with times where people could give talks. This was very similar to the DevMob even I went to last year.
The food and drinks were excellent. Nice to be in the shade, reading The Pillars of the Earth and drinking apple cider. Currently 70% through the book. Events progress the story.
Drawing the environment was fun. I focused mostly on trees as I had them on my mind due to The Great Tree in Pepper&Carrot.
The weekend was perfect and I would attend future camps or conferences in the future. There were five from Hamilton at the camp so worth looking at a ruby hamilton meetup.