
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee


Artwork from the past week. Taking old pencil street enviorments into GIMP along with life drawing on Friday.


Taking an old pencil sketch into GIMP. The location is Courtney Place in Wellington. Have been digitising lots of Pepper and Carrot sketches so it has been a natural process to take my own pencil drawings into GIMP.


Grayscale layer. Whenever I use to digitise pencil work I would always create a grayscale layer. My favourite area is the traffic lights and the courte sign.


Colour layer. Using more green than I use to and in different areas such as the figure. Yellow is used for the buildings roof and walls. The floor and sky - blue.


I partook in a Twitter chat last week - create lounge and have started listening to the podcast. This was my warm up drawing in life drawing on Friday - I was listening to an episode.


Hamilton line. Again digitising pencil drawing this time it’s at Garden Place. The structure is a stage. I added details such as triangles.


Hamilton grayscale. Attempted to keep details in areas such as the structures triangles.


Three drawings of Mia from life drawing on Friday. Included is a portrait of someone new I drew from the backgroup. Sometimes I wish we had multiply models!


Mia looking towards the right. Again in the background added portrait from someone in the class. Lots of white space that a landscape could of been added to.


Two drawings of Mia. The legs are extra large in the foreground and I am happy with the shape of the feet.


Four drawings of Mia.


Warm ups of Mia. Attempted to capture the whole body. Needed to make sure that the portrait was small enough to fit everything else in.


Grayscale Levin street drawings merge. Took 4 different pencil drawings I created this art montage.


The line layer of the Levin street drawings merge.


Shopping centre in Palmerston North. Final pencil drawing digitise for this post.


Palmy Pillar line. Traced over pencil sketch that was drawn in Palmerston North.


Created at my brothers place. Started as a portrait of Pepper and then let an imagination over. Landscapes, spikes, waves.
