
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

Waihi Digital Face

More digital paintovers of sketchbook pages. Also included are gif images to show the layers I’ve been working with.

Beach in Levin. Again I focused on the blue for the enviroment and added some yellow for the car, GIF of the same image. The first layer is my pencil sketch - then white (background) - blue tone - yellow tone - black line. Opacity of brush is 80%

Protest in Waihi for Ann, There were over 20 people that showed for the protest. I spent most of the time holding a ‘It’s a health issue, not a crimr’ sign with my feet and sketching.

The GIF. Again the process is the same

Self portrait that Janelle drew for me - I took it into GIMP to do a paintover on it. 
