
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

Saturday Morning

Several digital paintings. Pencil sketch to GIMP paintings.  Airport sketch thanks to Netscrolling. Exploring areas of color further - what shapes can I make?  Do the buildings and people need color. Maybe I could try a silver or grey on it. I’ve used grey somewhat in my other works - especially at the beginning stages of building a painting up.

Westfield. I want to take the majority of my pencil sketches into GIMP and develop these paintings. This can only help my knowledge of compossion and environments…. The final painting. I guess I shouldn’t really call it a final though. Because anyone is free to take my work and develop it on a new path. Just let me know :)  A digital painting from several months ago. Decided to take it into GIMP and work over top using the same colors.  I’ve been having a look over my older blog posts and noticed lots of life drawings that I could take though the digital stage. There is likely lots of life drawing work not uploaded - I should work on getting these uploaded as I can then turn them into digital paintings and such.
