This is from my trip to Singapore where I attended FOSS Asia. Some of the drawings are on the plane, some are from the conference.

A talk about the Edge

Drawing FOSS Asia logos and people on stage (during keynotes / intros)


A law talk at the conference.

A landscape drawing on the plane which includes a man.

Openeuler, one of the sponsers of the conference.

Redis VS Postgres talk.

A landscape drawing with a star.

ZigZag. Getting warmed up with the drawing tools on the plane.
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Notes and drawings from the BNZ Digital talk at Agile Tauranga. This was a highlight talk for me.


Created at Overload. I was drawing along to a live demo portrait.

Line layer of live demo paint along.


Leon did a talk at Agile Tauranga. Technical Health instead of Technical Dept.



Talk at Agile Tauranga on User Experience.


Portraits created in Auckland at the urban sketh meetup I attended.

Rick and Morty and Stars.

Sat on the bench and drew the sky tower. Can’t go to Auckland without drawing it.

Grayscale layer of Soo. This was created at the Urban Sketch group.

Line layer of Soo portrait.

2nd half of the urban sketching - started to get sick of drawing buildings and started working from imagination.

My first drawing at the Urban Sketching meetup I attended in Auckland. Focused on what was there rather than imagination
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