The holiday season is almost over. This is the second post for the year.

Found my manual for the video game deadcells - so I started drawing a character from it.

A portrait of Giang who I did collab artwork with in my last post.

Spiral land.

A combo of two phillfromgchq panels. I liked drawing the buildings.

Portrait of workmate who recently left the company. I drew this portrait as a leaving gift for him. It was printed and included in his leaving giftcard.

A portrait of mean_muggnz from redditgetsdrawn.
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This is artwork created in November 2018.

a drawing.

Portrait of Buffy. I did a hackathon with her. She was meant to attend another with me - was going to use the drawing in the slides.

Drawing frogs.

Brainstorming for Hack4Health hackathon.

The reference was a recent Pepper and Carrot character - a tailor. There are very few male characters in Pepper and Carrot so it’s always good to draw them when I can. I like the mo.

Grayscale painting of tailor from pepper and carrot.

lie detector robot from pepper and carrot. These are becoming standard in airports.

Reference was a Phillfromgvhq artwork. I liked the spikes.

Caveman dreaming of being fat and having elephant to eat. Another from phillfromgchq

Girl nude in bed. Phillfromgchq. The comic has quite a bit of nude. It’s quite the opposite to Petter and Carrot.

Tree and portrait from phillfromgchq
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grayscale tonal painting of Beth Smith from Rick and Morty.

Line drawing of Beth Smith from Rick and Morty.

Created in GIMP during a day trip to palmy. Robot on the right is holding a head.

Jerry Smith and other characters from Rick and Morty. Drawing of background scene. Issues with control of the pen. It’s leaking…

Katharsisdrill line drawing from the about page of Phill from GCHQ.

Sitting in Palmy library and drawing the square below. It’s rare nowadays that I draw the world around me so I’m proud of this.

Grayscale tonal painting of Rick, Morty, and an alien. Drawing of the title screne also.

Line drawing of Rick, Morty, and an alien.

drawing rick and morty without reference during my trip to Palmerston North.

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I have discovered the web comic Phillfromgchq. The comic is licensed under CCBY. It gives me inspiration to my own artwork in the same way Pepper&Carrot, jensshed etc do.

Bryan from the waikato regional council spoke at Hamilton Computer Club. These are the notes and drawings I created during his talk.

Continue drawing of Rick and Morty characters. On the left is Mortys son.

In Econ100 we have been looking at trade. These are the opportunity cost notes I took during class. Surrounding these notes are phillfromthegchq, gimp, and other drawings.

Phil Philby. Portrait of him in the centre. A landscape surrounds. A portrait of a character with classes on the bottom right. Landscape studies at the top of the page.

Econ100 trade diagrams and character portrait from philfromgchq

Front and side view portraits of phil. Writing down some of the text from the comic.

I attended Zine fest Hamilton and the after party. This is the first drawing of the evening at the after party. Poet David portrait.

Watson on guitar.
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