Welcome to 2025. Happy New Year. Here’s some artwork that I created in the new year. It’s mostly Bubu Dudu fanart.

Bubu Dudu sketches with a blue background.

Adding enviorment and into Bubu Dudu

Speech bubble with Bubu and Dudu

Starting with redback ground and erasing the red.

Adding spikes into Bubu Dudu

For the MLB hackathon. Inspired by Japanese anime.
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Welcome to the end of 2024. Here’s some artwork to finish the year up with.

Archway of building with lots of happenings inside
Art of cat Muchroom Risotto with big text.

Combo of several pepper and carrot works - including penguins.

Pepper resting on a barrow with carrot nearby.
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Getting towards the end of 2024. Here’s some artwork I created recently - mix of pepper and carrot and landscape works.

Landscape sketch with character whos face is scrambled.

Another landscape sketch.

Merging together several Pepper and Carrot pencil sketches then tracing over.

Another Pepper and Carrot trace. Wizard with staff.

Testing some brushes in Krita.
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Here is some recent artwork. Enjoy. I recently attended the Auckland Art Show and there was some people from The Learning Connexion there. They were suprised when I mentioned I had attended almost 15 years ago.



Fortyfive Landscape

Helldivers 2 sketch. It has been awhile since I played it but use to enjoy playing it with family.


Rectangle Landscape

Spike Keyblade

Spiky Cloud

Sunshine Landscpe

Triangle Cloud
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This is artwork for October 2023. Some portraits from RedditGetsDrawn and some landscapes/characters from no reference.

A sketch of alicetroublemaker from RedditGetsDrawn. I like the tilt of the head and the shoulder blades.

Iran 1970s

A sketch of lemastersg from RedditGetsDrawn. I like the Mummy costume, and the skeleton in the background.

A sketch of a monster in a landscape.

A sketch of a one eye character in a landscape.

Portraits of snowgoonsquad from RedditGetsDrawn.
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Artwork for Aug 2023, a mix of rgd and random sketches.

A drawing of LaurenEllenx from RedditGetsDrawn

A landscape

A sketch

Another sketch.
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This is from my trip to Singapore where I attended FOSS Asia. Some of the drawings are on the plane, some are from the conference.

A talk about the Edge

Drawing FOSS Asia logos and people on stage (during keynotes / intros)


A law talk at the conference.

A landscape drawing on the plane which includes a man.

Openeuler, one of the sponsers of the conference.

Redis VS Postgres talk.

A landscape drawing with a star.

ZigZag. Getting warmed up with the drawing tools on the plane.
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Artwork from March 2023. Mostly RedditGetsDrawn with one exception.

AkumeHikaril from RGD. Emo looking, reminds me of My Chemical Romance which I saw at live a couple of weeks ago.

Aphrodicia-Mortiis from RGD. I like the Rose she is holding.

LaceyBambola from RGD. Fully body pose. The cloth she is wearing is snake like, scales.

TheLunaMelody from RGD. I like the angle, looking up at the figure. She is wearing skates along with headgear.

victoriahhill34 from RGD. It was a full body photo, but managed to only fit in the upper half. Holding a phone.

gonjagodess from RGD. Great position of arms and hands. Getting them right is tough!

white-widow-23 from RGD. Elf ears.

morgyph from RGD. Interesting tattoo on her arm and leaning forward posture.

Stand For Women. I attended the Posie Parker event.
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Welcome to 2023. Here is some artwork:

artctrl logo sketching, along with thumbnails of landscapes. Focus on moon character.

Happy Year of the Rabbit. Guild Wars 2 fan art.

A landscape

Pepper and Carrot pushing a machine with the letters 37 on it.

Pepper and Carrot standing in front of a machine.
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Welcome to the art of December 2022. I hope you have had a wonderful year.

Addercipe for mobile app development.

Portrait of /u/bella_cosplay from redditgetsdrawn.

Portrait of /u/elenathekitten from redditgetsdrawn.

Portrait of /u/isolation-sam from redditgetsdrawn.

Landscape with squares.

Landscape with sun.

Portrait of my friend Mel.

Drawings of Cat Puddy and Dog Mochi.

Portrait of /u/scatterbrainzzu from redditgetsdrawn.

Portrait of /u/x160 from redditgetsdrawn.
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