
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

Ruined Cutie Warped Conecpt Art

For the game jam #ruinjam I worked on concept art for a project I called Ruined Cutie Warped. No 3d models or game design was completed.


One of the first drawings completed for the project. For this I used Ruinjam environment artwork as reference.


Again reference inspired from ruinjam site. This included the jams mascot. This character is drawn and morphed into all concept art development.


This was drawn at Fairfield Community Centre. It is created with felt pens. On the right is a character from a book. Skin tone is yellow and background blue. The left is a humanold figure with wings. A child colored it in for me.

Landscape was added with red pen.


Aladdin and Raspberry Pi. This is 2H pencil on A3 white paper. Watched scipy2014 well working on this. Added quotes from the video.

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Ruined Cutie Warped Conecpt Art

For the game jam #ruinjam I worked on concept art for a project I called Ruined Cutie Warped. No 3d models or game design was completed.


One of the first drawings completed for the project. For this I used Ruinjam environment artwork as reference.


Again reference inspired from ruinjam site. This included the jams mascot. This character is drawn and morphed into all concept art development.


This was drawn at Fairfield Community Centre. It is created with felt pens. On the right is a character from a book. Skin tone is yellow and background blue. The left is a humanold figure with wings. A child colored it in for me.

Landscape was added with red pen.


Aladdin and Raspberry Pi. This is 2H pencil on A3 white paper. Watched scipy2014 well working on this. Added quotes from the video.

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Colored Halfweek

I have been busy this week with pencil and colored pencil. Often its just drawing from imagination but a focus on landscapes and characters. Molding them together.

On Friday I cutup brown paper into long stripes to use. Just like at art school!


Pencil on paper. One request was the sunflower (see right of ‘William’). I love requests! Several characters are also created, then a landscape. Notes on the right regarding color.


Color pencil. I could not find a green pencil. I wanted to cover the landscape and maybe areas of ground with it. Instead I used browns, reds and blues. Purple lightning!


Oil pastel. This is a train track. Blue water is flooding the track. Character portrait on the left. Red house in the distance. It’s raining blue.


STOP GO sign request. Could not find red, went with green. Had to color background blue or would of felt incomplete.


Final landscape request. Started with a star. Houses include a fire-station (with pole!).



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manakin friday

Three works from Friday. Enjoy.


View from the easel - back wall in the building. Added landscape as it developed.  Pencil on paper.


Bane. Oil Pastel on paper. Batman is of topic and Bane is a character that we have been talking about.


New colored pencils. Drawing the manikin that is also new.

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Pencil Warcraft

I took my world of warcraft the art of wrath of the lich king book into Whaihanga this week for drawing reference and to show the kids. Previously I had brought in  Fallout 3 concept art. image

Dalaran buildings. Its been on my mind for awhile to take content from warcraft and make a fan game. Next step is always 3d modeling


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Dolly felt work

I’ve been doing art at Fairfield Community Centre in the afternoons. One of my regulars is Dolly.


Here she is working on her ‘Fairy House’ - gouche on white paper.


Her Feet People. It was a rainy day. Her shoes and socks were wet. She took them off.

She has excellent ideas regarding art activities and came up with the idea of tracing her feet.

This tracing of her feet was developed further into characters.

The character on the left is Dolly and on the right is me  - William. The characters are holding hands :)

The clothing and colors are the same as what we were wearing. Awesome obsovational traits.


The fairy house that she created. Started with pencil, then gouche, finally feltpen.

I hope you have enjoyed Dollys art, more in the future.

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LD48 - connected worlds concept art

Hello. Been awile since an update.

Lost my tablet pen but found it again, and it’s taken me a bit to get back into digital painting since then.

I have been busy with drawing and painting with children. Felt pens, pencil, oil pastel, and poster paint has been the medium of choice.

Here are digital painting s I created today for Ludum Dare. The theme is connected worlds.

I’m looking at creating an open world mmo-like zone. Models will be created tonight and I’ll put everything together in Unity3d on Sunday.


Enjoy -


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Portrait I painted of Reddit user - syntheticturtle.

This was from redditgetsdrawn.

I’ve started working on another game - this time for the Peace, Love and Jam. It starts next weekend but I’m going to just work on it during the weekend since I don’t have time during the week.

I’ve been setting up an easel at Fairfield Community Centre to get the after-school kids to do some art. It’s great - got a minute of six year olds, up to twelve. I’ll make another post in the future with some of these images (been taking photos on my phone).

Enjoy this digital painting, three layer, line, gray, and color.


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Sunshin aka sunrain painting

Summer Game Jam is currently happening. I’ve made a game for it. It’s called Mr Sunshin aka sunrain.

It’s still in production so expect changes by the end of the weekend.

If you have windows or osx - play it in the web browser.

For you Linux g(als?!)uys - downloadable targz file.

gamejolt (ads) (no ads!

Take your pick.


Early concept art sketch, was main reference for 3d work


Digital line. Created in GIMP. Reference was sun 3d model. Landscape from imagination.


Digital painting. Started 3d but then realized that I hadn’t saved off grayscale layer. Undo till back to grayscale. Saved off, but could not be bothered to redo the color layer.

Maybe later but likely never.

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