
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

Concept Art: Railway

I’ve started taking the drawings from Wellington into GIMP to produce digital paintings. I tend to do far more drawings than digital paintings. It’s my goal this month to pump out digital paintings of these drawings. I have a large backlog - including drawings from Levin.

Here is the first work. One of my favorite drawings from Wellington - the railway. My first task was to ink in GIMP the pencil drawing. Looking at this now I wish I had used a smaller brush - it would of created a nicer line. This line seems too large - not enough thin variation  The tone added next helps this problem…Gray scale tone added. I used the same custom made flat brush on my of the work - with the exception of swapping to the chalk brush for the grass area. And color. For the colors I choose to use colors I had used in previous works - dating back as far as July. I haven’t used this set of colors for sometime. For now I’m going to keep with them - and see how they evolve.

During my trip to Wellington I saw some abstract paintings. They made me vomit. Marks on canvas. Whats the point? If you aren’t going to paint something, no point painting.

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Wellington Street Draw - Halloween

I recently got back from a weeks holiday in Wellington. During that time I spent hours on the street of Wellington sketching. For months I have been doing these daily ‘sketchcrawls’ around Levin. It was great to draw Wellington.

Here’s the works:

Tuesday evening. This was shortly after getting off the TLC bus. I needed to wait around town for two hours as life drawing was happening at Vincents at 7pm. I had just brought a new clutch pencil from the TLC store - had store credit which I needed to spend. It was weird getting use to the new clutch pencil - and took me some time to warm up.

This drawing is of the waterfront. The building behind the camera is the Rowing Club. 

Another waterfront work. This one is of the playground area. I drew this on Sunday morning. The angles of the playground were a challenge  I didn’t spent long on this - Wellington was cold so I had to keep moving

Typical Cuba Street view. This was drawn on the 31st of October - Halloween. I didn’t do anything for Halloween but people came out to town for it. Town was busy. This image needs more dark.

Waterfront. Somewhat happy with this. The composition is stronger than previous - and my line/tone is confident. I’ve been trying to create a range of textures using mark making techniques - such as small horizontal straight lines to represent water, curvy lines to show the plant material (but also straight lines in a leaf shape,  the hills were created using directional lines to build up the 3d shape.

Second page. This is the outside of a bar. People are standing outside looking out into the water. Beautiful day. The bridge continues in the foreground. Somewhat empty than the first page.

Cuba Street. Sitting on a bench looking toward the shops on the right. Capturing all the information that I can see. Managed to capture some figures. I don’t spent long on the figures but just use them to give a sense of scale to the work.

Second page. This is one of the most complete drawings I’ve done. I partially enjoyed drawing the animal outside the bookstore. It gave the scene - ‘oh yeah, I know where that is’.  Courtney Place. I started drawing this scene but got ineruped with two Germans talking to me. We talked for sometime - I showed them my sketchbook and then they took off. It was getting cold (cold seems like a theme in Wellington) so took off home. I continued the drawing at the same spot on Sunday.  Second page. The Telstra Clear logo finishes - pole in the foreground blocks the view, and a car takes up most of the space. Capturing a range of planes helps the scale of the work.

View on Willis Street. I had just been to Gordon Harris. I stopped on a bench nearby to draw and rest. The view was a typical cafe view outside. I like the lights. The detail in these are improving - the tone helps. Captured several figures. People generally stayed still as they were waiting for the bus. A billboard took up the majority of the page. It was advertising something about dumping rubbish and the circle that happens. I drew in areas of the poster into my work. I’m not sure about using brands in my drawings. Often I just create rectangles for writing areas. But then again - it will be more correct to add these elements in. I guess whatever feels right.

Hotal Bristol on Cuba Street. This was just a quickie. Nothing special.

Cuba Street view from Mr Bun as I was having lunch. The dark tonal areas (on the left) feels very close.

Railway station. This was the final drawing I did in Wellington. It’s my favorite - nice to leave on a high. I drew this same scene when I was leaving Wellington two months ago. Great to go back and compare they two. My level of detail has certainly increased. I feel more confident in using tone in these streetworks. 

Tone wasn’t used hugely in this railway drawing, mostly in the figures/beams/and started on the windows. I spent sometime drawing the Gundi statue. He stayed still for me. One of my final waterfront drawings. Very happy with this one. The boats were especially fun to draw into the scene - so often I draw the same objects it’s great to have something completely different. I struggled with the perspective in the distance - often I look, then make a line, then look again and see I did the opposite  I need to focus on capturing the right direction. As always, Ball in the foreground helps give the scene a sense of diminision.

And the second page. Several boats parked next to one another. They were helpful for measuring the scene, and filling up the water. It’s better to have a chaotic scene than empty. Quick outline of a figure in the foreground.

Just went to New World for lunch. Found a seat nearby to draw. Spent the majority of the time working on the lights and shelter behind. There was a large building the the background. Tone added to areas - the signs and the sky.

Second page. Clouds in the sky. Poles scaling up to show the distance. Some vegetation scatted in areas. New World building on the right. Cars on the bottom left - very rough.

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life paint gouache - brendon

I’ve photographed both of my current journals I’m working on currently. The first - a A5 shaped, rip able, thick. It’s perfect for watercolor/gouache.

Here’s two paintings I’ve done in it so far:

This started as a life drawing in Christenas class on Wednesday. I was happy with it. There was nothing that annoyed me about the image - it was a life drawing that captured most of the body, it had tone, it worked.

I brought a red watercolor and white gouache in Wellington and had several colors of gouache

On Sunday night when I arrived home from Wellington I decided to have a go - I used my large flat watercolor brush. I quickly worked over the drawing - similar to how I work with my digital paintings.

Here’s a landscape I did with the goache and red watercolor. Again, this is a very quick work with just minimal thoughts.

Maybe more of these worked in the future - I’d like to transfer some of my street drawings into watercolor. It was a suggestion from Roger Key - though he would prefer me to use oil paint (which I should really do - I’ve had oil paints sitting here for over a year not being used.

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Life Drawing OctNov TLC

Busy week of life drawing. Last time I did it was over two months ago. Refreshing to get back into it. It will likely be sometime before I do it again. I should try to make it to Life Drawing in Palmerston North.

Here are digital works I did in Christinas class on Wednesday and Rogers Friday. Christina had very quick poses - and Roger long. I enjoyed both classes. I used pencil in my sketchbook

Works for the whole day. The poses were extremely quick so I didn’t have time to capture tone or full figures. Instead I just focused on capturing areas of the body - like I use to. There was one longer pose (top left) that I was able to add tone and color too. In Rogers I extended this idea further.

Rogers today. Geogetete was the model. She’s a fantastic model to work with - stays still and interesting curves. For all the works I went with a chalk brush. I’ve used this for my landscape works. I didn’t bother with experimenting with other brushes but rather just concentrated on capturing the lights and dark of the model. 

This was a longer pose that allowed me to capture the whole model and even color it (see next piece). Areas of this still need some development - most notable the foot and calf area. The portrait could do with tonal values as well. 

Color added. I started with the yellows - light and dark. Afterwards I added a red. Roger noticed the red and said it helped the work. This piece reminds me of the acrylic life painting I use to do in Dans Friday drawing class. It’s got that expressionism feel to it - mixing the tonal and line together. A range of colors helps. 

I started this piece with a yellow background instead of white. This allowed me to use a light gray without having to worry about lack of contrast. I used a mid gray for the darks, and a black for the hair. The hair wasn’t working so I covered it mostly with a light gray. For the negative space I used a light blue I had used in previous works. 

Color added to the figure. A red multiply brush was used first. This allowed me to preserve the under-layers. Yellow was then added as an overlay. This gave the image a very bright, and glowing look.

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sd enviormen

I’m currently in Wellington. So my usual SketchDaily hasn’t been happening. I’ve done life drawing though, which has been a nice change.

Here are some Reddit SketchDaily environment works that I have done recently. Once I’m back in Levin (early next week) I’ll scan sketchbook works and upload videos of digital life drawing.

The theme here was pumpkins. I found a pumpkin photo on the internet to use as reference, then used my imaganation for the rest. Certainly doesn’t feel like it’s working. I gave up quick on this.

This is working. The theme was time travel. I took a sketch I drew in Levin (one of my favorite sketches to digitize) and referenced it to create this matt painting. The composition is working - there are interesting objects in the background and foreground  The yellow/red/blue mix together well - along with the gray. One area I do have a problem with is the tonal value of the tree against the background.

The future is here!

Northern was the theme here. I wanted to create something cold and icy feeling. I’m not happy with this.

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I haven’t been drawing people recently. It’s all been streetscape works. A combo of nature and manmade structures. I think that’s the best way to suggest it.

Here are portraits I have drawn and painted digitally. The reference is photos from REDDITGETSDRAWN. For each piece I used GIMP on my main screen and had the reference open on my smaller screen. For the reference I used my laptop.

I’ve been playing Borderlands 2.

Johnny_Jon_John  had the request this photo to be painted. I used an orange from a previous painting as a base. Normally I use white, black, dark grey, or a mid grey. Using color for the start background is something new.

From there, line, grey tone, and a lighter yellow for the background area. I did ponder over coloring more of the work in color - maybe the desk, his shirt, the desk chair.  Instead I kept the black and white tonal studies as the main focus point. Opacity was 80%


It’s nice to take a break from drawing figures. Going back to it I felt very refreshed. I want to keep these works up.

For the bnchwarmer926 I did this. It was the first I did… so not bad considering the break I’ve had. The line looks thick on this - in future works I scale the brush down somewhat. Having the line as the top layer also reinforces this. Blues were fun!

ieatcows requested for his girlfriend to be drawn. This is my result. Again I started with line, tone, then colored background with three different oranges.

All the brushes are custom made by me. I felt there was a real lack of decent flatbrushes so have been focused on creating them, but I’d also be interested in creating more textured brushes - similar to the chalk brush. I’ll experiment with tonal ranges within the brushes and see where I go.  Reddit user Kawaiian had the request to turn this into something for Halloween.

This is my result. One of my final works for the day. I had done many and was growing tired by this point. I’d like to think the image had a witch feel about it. Especially the hair.

She needs a black cat.

GreenFin83 had requested for this to be drawn. This is one of my favorite works. I especially enjoyed drawing the clothes. For the background I wanted to use my visual library and construct a scene. Alot of this inspration currently is the works I’ve been drawing around Levin.

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SketchDaily Enviroments

Instead of character focused SketchDaily works I’ve been focusing on environments … done mostly with taking my sketches - inking and adding tone. I want to digitize the majority of my sketchbook works so using SketchDaily as motivation works.

Day one of these works. The theme was Robots with an alternative being Moon. I started with a image of the moon and went from there. Instead of starting with painting the whole work I went with thumbnail drawings - something I must practice  As you can see in the video I had fun drawing Robot character on the moon.

After the drawings were done I went in with a mid gray - fleshing out the work and creating texture. I’m always a fan of painting light on dark so for the moon I painted it black then covered it with a light gray. I want to use a larger range of brushes in order to create more textures in my paintings - difference in surface!

I took the line out completely, just leaving minimal tonal areas. The image certainly evolved - hardly anything from the beginning is left.

I’m not that happy with the result.

Here’s the video:

Tim Burton. I’m no Tim Burton fan but for this I went with plain black and white. Other than that it’s not much different to some of my other paintings like this.

Again, the video:

Western. This one was fun and I’m some what happy with the result. The western influence is in the colors.

Here’s the video. I think I’m getting better with editing together these videos, all its missing is sound:

Eastern. Again like Western the influence is in the colors. I looked at Eastern imagery and decided to go for cool colors over the very hot Western look.

I struggled painting this - my brush tool is broken in GIMP and causes it to switch between several brushes/colors. This causes a mess and I loose control of the painting. When I was doing the tone layers this wasn’t really a problem, it added effects to the image. I’d like to figure out what is causing this though as it does add frustration. I had a go with Photoshop CS5, but it’s lame.

No video for this sadly. I painted this on my laptop in the library and I’m still having problems recording on the laptop. Desktop is winning.

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Levin sketched finals

Final works of this sketchbook. I’ve got a new book the same which I have started. This old sketchbook is falling to pieces so it’s great to finish it and start a new one.

All these works are around Levin, with a focus on tone. It certainly helps when I take these images into GIMP if I have some tone, gives me a better idea of what the objects look like.

Here I’m sitting at the skate park looking towards the swimming pool. I filled the trees, car, and hydro slide with tone. This tone is certainly helping put the objects into the 3d space.

Right side of the drawing. Quite a bit of information here but not as much as a focus on tone. I have to watch out for smudging, this is prob the worst thing about using tone. Using an HB helps - couldn’t work with a 6b - even 2b would be a headache.

This is the opposite view to the previous view. Here I’m sitting on a bench outside the swimming pool looking towards the skate park. In the background is the Farmers building. Rails from the skate park are on the left and right. In the front center - a tree which I’ve covered in tone. I’ve even added a shadow to this tree. I’ve been using different marks to show a range of surfaces - this is important for the grass and vegetation especially.

Right side of the drawing. Finally a right side that I’m happy with. Probably one of my better car drawings. I’m not really a car person but happy to draw them if they are part of the scene. Again here I’ve added shadows the the trees and texture for the grass.

Out the front of New World, looking towards Oxford Street. On the right is the Salvation Army sign. Classic favarites are all included - lights and street lights. I didn’t spent long on this - was sitting up on the wall and wasn’t the most comfy.

Sitting outside the new Levin library looking towards an area I often draw. Mostly trees with the bottom scatted with cars.  Right side. Large pillar objects cut my view. I don’t why  they made these useless boring objects. They are no fun to draw. White and plain.

Waiting at the bus stop. On the right, part of the Focal Point cinema. The cars are the best thing. I’ve focused on the 3d shape they have.

It was late and cold when I went out for this drawing. Left is part of the tennis courts. Time was spent capturing the large tree behind it - and filling with tone. On the right, a brick fence coming towards me. Top is filled with trees. Using a basic scribble movement to capture the grass and keep it separated from other areas in the drawing.

And the final. Extremely loose with the pencil in this. There are areas I like, such as the very right side. Other than that. Onto the next book

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