This was created at the aws meetup in Sydney. It was the 2nd time I had attended the meetup and likely the last. The meetup doesn’t really interest me and I find the talks to be too dry and sponsored. The people are ok. I might attend the aws summit in April.

Digital drawing of Calista and her dog Willow. I would like to draw both of them more. The reference image didn’t show much - only half her face. Still it was fun to draw her and she liked the result.

Drawing of Carla.

Drawn when attending the golang Sydney meetup. It was a bit of a different meetup to my usual meetups. They had a talk on documentation then some library developers talk about their projects and then we were encouraged to work on their docs.

something random

Attended the laravel meetup. I mostly attended because they were talking ecommerce. I don’t get along to many backend dev meetups so this was enjoyable.


progressive web apps meetup.


Attended Sydney Designers meetup. I even got someone drawing!

Remix and redraw of Karis artwork that she sent me. I love to collaborate with others on art.
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This is a dump of the digital drawings I have created since I’ve been in Sydney. It’s mostly from tech meetups but also of the waterfront. I have yet to make it to a zoo or beach to draw.

drawing of sydney harbor bridge

martin place fountain. where they filmed the matrix scene - girl in red dress

attended mongodb meetup. This was my first meetup in Sydney

Talk at mongodb on the blockchain. I had heard it before but got to see some code which was fun

drawing of sydney opera house. i have yet to be inside.

another drawing of sydney opera house

close up drawing of sydney opera house

attended nodejs meetup. talk on angular.

more notes at nodejs meetup

started writing a novel for national novel writing month.

attended openstack sydney summit. basics of restful apis


attended sydney ui/ux meetup. mention of trademark

i wrote down the question that i asked.


study hurts.
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It’s been almost a month since the last update. Currently I’m in Sydney. Not much artwork has been created this last month - mostly been writing code. Plan on creating more artwork well i am in Sydney.


david seymour memes for over-taxed teens.

created at FixWine bar in Sydney

Uber but for

Keaton drew over my drawing. He even wrote William on the right.

green man

portrait in the center. squares and spikes.

usual robot

drawn watching someone play ssx on playstation
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Notes and drawings from the BNZ Digital talk at Agile Tauranga. This was a highlight talk for me.


Created at Overload. I was drawing along to a live demo portrait.

Line layer of live demo paint along.


Leon did a talk at Agile Tauranga. Technical Health instead of Technical Dept.



Talk at Agile Tauranga on User Experience.


Portraits created in Auckland at the urban sketh meetup I attended.

Rick and Morty and Stars.

Sat on the bench and drew the sky tower. Can’t go to Auckland without drawing it.

Grayscale layer of Soo. This was created at the Urban Sketch group.

Line layer of Soo portrait.

2nd half of the urban sketching - started to get sick of drawing buildings and started working from imagination.

My first drawing at the Urban Sketching meetup I attended in Auckland. Focused on what was there rather than imagination
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grayscale tonal painting of Beth Smith from Rick and Morty.

Line drawing of Beth Smith from Rick and Morty.

Created in GIMP during a day trip to palmy. Robot on the right is holding a head.

Jerry Smith and other characters from Rick and Morty. Drawing of background scene. Issues with control of the pen. It’s leaking…

Katharsisdrill line drawing from the about page of Phill from GCHQ.

Sitting in Palmy library and drawing the square below. It’s rare nowadays that I draw the world around me so I’m proud of this.

Grayscale tonal painting of Rick, Morty, and an alien. Drawing of the title screne also.

Line drawing of Rick, Morty, and an alien.

drawing rick and morty without reference during my trip to Palmerston North.

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In Levin. Using the Dell laptop as main painting system. Giving painting program Krita a go. Finding the brushes that work for me.

start of redesign artctrl logo in krita.

line redesign artctrl logo

character designs with a light red color.

scribble experiements. few characters protected by a shield.

Summer color painting from Rick and Morty.

Summer grayscale painting from Rick and Morty.

Summer line drawing from Rick and Morty
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humanoid robot in the centre. Building out circle landscapes. Portraits. Waves

Drawing of Fatboy Slim album cover.

Emily’s 2nd drawing on Pi. She spent longer with this and added more detail. Expand of her first drawing.

drawing of character with spiky head. Lots of squares surrounding. Several triangles.
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drawn at the tauranga web dev meetup when wwere doing a round table of intros. I wrote down one name: Barry. I got laughter from the group when I mentioned my love for static website generators.

mention of crystal programming language.

drawing drops and reading The Red.

Created by Emily on Friday night.

someone wrote laugh and drew a character beside it. Circles below. Almost as impressive as my circles.

drawn well waiting for Kari at the library.

Triangles and other shapes.
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Portrait of Bernie Saunders. Only drew his eyes and nose then ended up just doodling.

This was created when watching Man in the High Tower season 2

Large rectangle shape with lots of small circles. Landscape at the bottom

Notes from Hamilton Computer Club Feb 2017. Had someone from NeedaNerd come and do a talk. It was a good overall of whats hing

SketchDaily figure studies. Life Drawing Hamilton will startup again in March. Warmups for that.
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Color layer of the toy car and looney tunes character. Didn’t cover the whole page but just key areas. Matched up colors of the car with the paint color.

grayscale layer of toy car and looney tunes character.

line layer of toy car and looney tunes character. I asked someone for a request to draw and they gave me a childs car toy to draw. It was fun - something different that I usually would never draw. I love requests. Included also is a Loony Tunes character - this was drawn from a reference image.

dns line. Random doodles as usual.

hello. can you hear me.

zalando content that I forgot to include in the previous post.

grayscale layer of the Zalando content. Focus on key and important areas.

Zalando line layer.
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