Welcome to the end of 2024. Here’s some artwork to finish the year up with.

Archway of building with lots of happenings inside
Art of cat Muchroom Risotto with big text.

Combo of several pepper and carrot works - including penguins.

Pepper resting on a barrow with carrot nearby.
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Getting towards the end of 2024. Here’s some artwork I created recently - mix of pepper and carrot and landscape works.

Landscape sketch with character whos face is scrambled.

Another landscape sketch.

Merging together several Pepper and Carrot pencil sketches then tracing over.

Another Pepper and Carrot trace. Wizard with staff.

Testing some brushes in Krita.
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Welcome to 2023. Here is some artwork:

artctrl logo sketching, along with thumbnails of landscapes. Focus on moon character.

Happy Year of the Rabbit. Guild Wars 2 fan art.

A landscape

Pepper and Carrot pushing a machine with the letters 37 on it.

Pepper and Carrot standing in front of a machine.
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Here is a collection of artwork from Jan 2022. It’s mostly Pepper and Carrot remixed works. Original artwork by David Revoy

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Here is artwork from november 2021. It’s a mixture of mostly Pepper and Carrot line art tracing, and redditgetsdrawn portraits.

A drawing of brandnewlogicvl from redditgetsdrawn. Not often enough do I draw males on RedditGetsDrawn

Dino comic

One landscape

Second landscape

Drawing of mooncoyote from redditgetsdrawn

A dragon and a tree. Original artwork created by David Revoy

A mushroom house. Another David Revoy line art piece that I traced.

A drawing I did of my brothers cat Puddy.

A portrait of putridcartographer97 from redditgetsdrawn.
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The end of May. Here is some recent artwork. These are all ‘traceovers’ of ccby artworks.

a Japanese manga.

close up of a man shouting.

jesus and mo - gates talking about bill gates.

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It is May 2020 and time for another post. It’s been almost 2 months since I have left my Suburb. Tomorrow I am going for a trip into the city.
Here is some recent works

Yui portrait from Terrence House: Opening New Doors.

Pepper And Carrot e32 line trace. I loved the landscapes in this strip, so decided to draw it. The tents were especially fun to draw - I’ve drawn similar in the past with the Spyro The Dragon painting. I added the logo from the top of these strip to the bottom of this panel.

Landscape with a character

Portrait thinking Japanese characters.

Character with sissor hands.

A character and landscape.

Another face?

Chinese characters.

Portrait of poshfyre from redditgetsdrawn.

portrait of veinian from redditgetsdrawn.
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Merry Xmas. Another year is almost over. But here’s another post of artwork. I started a new job last week, which keeps me busy during the day. But in the evening I got home and felt like drawing. Which is great, as when I wasn’t working it was hard to motivate myself to draw most days.
Alot of this artwork was created well watching the new season of Rick and Morty (which I have drawn characters from in the past) and the new Netflix show - The Witcher. I have The Witcher 3 on Nintendo Switch and own The Witcher 2 on PC Steam, but never really played the 2nd one.

Rick and Morty inspired characters with water below.

No leg character on the left with a circle spiral around it.

A character on a raft.

Comedy Unleashed is a Youtube channel standup comedy channel I watch sometimes.
On the right is a Rick/Morty portrait. And the words Mike Mendel - producer of Rick and Morty.

A landscape. No characters but clouds in the sky, Squiggles for water, and a mixture of circles and rectangles for the horizon line.

A full figure standing on the left. Squiggles on the right for water. Half circles on the horizon. A building with G shape.

A line drawing trace from a strip from David Revoy E29 of Pepper and Carrot. Original artwork, used under ccby licence. No pepper or Carrot in this - instead a dragon from another dimension.
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Missed a month of updates. My portable screen broke so I have not had a screen that is good for outside. Here are a few works I created on the larger pi.
I’m running a fundraiser on Facebook in order to fund this art site, along with code. Check out, donate, and share: williams artwork and code living fund

A spike hair character with a landscape. Rick and Morty inspire

A panel from a redraw of recent Phill from GCHQ comic.

The Raspberry Pi logo with a landscape.

Redraw of Pepper and Carrot Episode 30 panel. I liked this episode because there is lots of landscape and building internals to draw. This is a new character and cat which is always fun to draw.

Carrot marching towards his home. He wants pats and hugs.

New pi start drawing during my recent trip to Brisbane

A character with lots of circles in a landscape.

A portrait of Lucy.
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