This is artwork created in November 2018.

a drawing.

Portrait of Buffy. I did a hackathon with her. She was meant to attend another with me - was going to use the drawing in the slides.

Drawing frogs.

Brainstorming for Hack4Health hackathon.

The reference was a recent Pepper and Carrot character - a tailor. There are very few male characters in Pepper and Carrot so it’s always good to draw them when I can. I like the mo.

Grayscale painting of tailor from pepper and carrot.

lie detector robot from pepper and carrot. These are becoming standard in airports.

Reference was a Phillfromgvhq artwork. I liked the spikes.

Caveman dreaming of being fat and having elephant to eat. Another from phillfromgchq

Girl nude in bed. Phillfromgchq. The comic has quite a bit of nude. It’s quite the opposite to Petter and Carrot.

Tree and portrait from phillfromgchq
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drawing of a friend on the left from her digital avatar

i attended data science meetup in sydney. it was the first meetup i attended with my new raspberry pi monitor.

i started the env of the week because i liked the theme. taking inspirtation from the other entries

pepper and carrot. this was a digital tracing of Davids work from Inkoctober.

The line version of Filth.

I had a interview here. They have an api that I had a play with.

messocean. just doodles from home.

testing the new dislplay. need more scripts

robot on the left. similar to the drawing of friend

another pepper and carrot work. This is from Inktober also.


attended sydney python user group.

It was my friend Thomas birthday so i drew a picture of him.

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The first week of my study at Waikato Uni is over. This post contains the notes I took during the week along with life drawing, and Pepper Carrot drawings

New character that was introduced in the Pepper and Carrot comic. Advertising, demand, and price notes for my econ100 class.

Making choices on what products to produce. List of alt choices.

No thick to thin. Must of unplugged the tablet and not noticed. If this happens the best way to fix the issue is to close GIMP and reopen.

Wendy was the model at Life Drawing Hamilton. This was the final two drawings I did of her for the day. I left life drawing early as I wanted to get home before school finished.

Wendy long post. Jaged edges with the pen tool. It really makes a difference to the flow of the image if I am able to create thick/thin lines.

It had been months since I had attended life drawing. It was certainly a challenge getting back into it. The small Pi screen does not help. I am hoping to buy a larger monitor for the Pi soon.

Warmup poses. Starting with writing life drawing hamilton and the date - March 3rd along the top of the page.

Microeconomics notes. These were mostly taken from a intro to economics podcast I listened to. There were 15 episodes and they were around 20 minutes each. I may go back and listen to them in the future.

Notes from class on the difference between Normal and Inferior goods. Normal you buy more if income up, and less if income down. Inferior - you buy more if income down and less if income up.

There is a new Pepper and Carrot comic - number 21. I always like to redraw the enviorments in the comic - this time it was the stadium. Castles and pillars.

Pepper and Carrot. Episode 21: The Magic Contest.

Notes from ECON100 on course overall.

ECON100 notes. Substitutes and Complementary. Coke and Pepsi are substitutes. If you buy one - you are not going to buy the other. Hot dog/Hot dog bun. This is a complementary. These items go together.

ECON100 examples and skills to pass the course. Be curious.

ECON100 Topic 1: Introduction. What is Economics.
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