Here are the drawings for the past few weeks. I took my drawing gear out to a cafe and to cronulla, but mostly been drawing from home and with no reference.

This was drawn in Cronulla. It’s one of my favourite spots to draw - just sitting on the bench and looking out over the water and building. The focus on this is the buildings though.

A skinny tall character with lots of circles. More than usual (though there are a few clouds in the sky).

Masks are all the rage. I have 50. The character is wearing a mask. Clouds in the sky, spikes on the mountains. Water in the foreground. There are a circles inside the mountains.

Faces on the few suns in the sky.

A character with several square shapes chests.

This was setup of gimp on the pi - no thick to thin stroke.

Drawn outside a cafe in Penshurt. It is mostly of the street signs, and buildings. Ended up diverting from the scene and adding a character and water.

A character with wings.

A character in the middle with lots of squiggles around it.

A portrait of a character on the right.

A character from Animal Crossing on the right.
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I have been getting out more often with my Raspberry Pi and smaller display screen. It’s a bit easier to use in public than the 7 inch setup. Here is a mixture of digital drawings I created from both street views and imagination.

portrait drawing of Lee Kuan Yew. I have put a talk submission into pycon sg. I will talk about processing my art.
In the background I have drawn a landscape.

I took the train to Cronulla on Wednesday afternoon and went to the beach to draw.
This view was drawn looking north.

A second Cronulla drawing. This one is look South - back towards where I sat to draw the first drawing.

A robot with a sun in the sky.

A very happy looking robot.

A robot that is thinking.

A robot with six arms.

A robot with stripped fingers.

I sat outside Westfield in Hurstville and drew the buildings. My goal is to get out more and draw more buildings and street scenes - along with beaches!

I sat at the rooftop in Wesfield Hurstville and drank a drink well I drew the view. It was mostly tables and seats, but there was a few plants which made it more interesting.

A scared looking robot.

A robot with targets as eyes.

A short robot with landscape behind.

A tall robot.

A fat robot.
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July artwork. I attended a hackathon early in the month at InfoTrack so have included pieces I created there.
Rest of the drawings are around Sydney or created from home.

InfoTrack banking and finance.

I went to North Sydney with my friend Cathy and drew a boat on the water.

Brought my digital painting setup along to Fishburners. Several people were interested in the setup - some even got involved and drew.

InfoTrack Consumer

InfoTrack Corporate

I have been playing Crash Bandicoot 2 on my RetroPi.

Attended Fishburners meetup and drew/notes the talks.

InfoTrack logo redesign. Making InfoTrack more comic.

InfoTrack Legal.

Drawing the Sydney Habour Bridge but then just drawing from imagination.
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This was created at the aws meetup in Sydney. It was the 2nd time I had attended the meetup and likely the last. The meetup doesn’t really interest me and I find the talks to be too dry and sponsored. The people are ok. I might attend the aws summit in April.

Digital drawing of Calista and her dog Willow. I would like to draw both of them more. The reference image didn’t show much - only half her face. Still it was fun to draw her and she liked the result.

Drawing of Carla.

Drawn when attending the golang Sydney meetup. It was a bit of a different meetup to my usual meetups. They had a talk on documentation then some library developers talk about their projects and then we were encouraged to work on their docs.

something random

Attended the laravel meetup. I mostly attended because they were talking ecommerce. I don’t get along to many backend dev meetups so this was enjoyable.


progressive web apps meetup.


Attended Sydney Designers meetup. I even got someone drawing!

Remix and redraw of Karis artwork that she sent me. I love to collaborate with others on art.
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Enterprise User Experience meetup. They had 3 speakers. They had wine.

user testings

What is design?

why design.

A couple drew this during dinner in Sydney. Trees and hills. The hills have snow.

drawn during one of the first talks at kiwipycon. I was volunteering for av so my drawing was limited.

this is a head cut off.

a landscape. clovers in the sky.


drawn at kiwipycon by 2 people from spotify. they used a map to show where they traveled in new zealand. interactive story telling at its finest.


this was a portrait of a woman i drew in a bar. this is the grayscale layer

the line layer of the portrait i drew in a bar in Sydney. she wasn’t expecting to get a portrait drawn.

zarah was the 2nd speaker at the Sydney android meetup. i had no idea what she was speaking about but i took notes anyway.

the first speaker at Sydney android meetup spoke about security. a topic that is close to my heart. i very much enjoyed this talk.

went along to a lunchtime tech talk in Sydney. They spoke about machine learning. It was OK, but nothing I hadn’t heard before.

2nd page of notes from the machine learning talk

3rd page of notes from machine learning talk
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This is a dump of the digital drawings I have created since I’ve been in Sydney. It’s mostly from tech meetups but also of the waterfront. I have yet to make it to a zoo or beach to draw.

drawing of sydney harbor bridge

martin place fountain. where they filmed the matrix scene - girl in red dress

attended mongodb meetup. This was my first meetup in Sydney

Talk at mongodb on the blockchain. I had heard it before but got to see some code which was fun

drawing of sydney opera house. i have yet to be inside.

another drawing of sydney opera house

close up drawing of sydney opera house

attended nodejs meetup. talk on angular.

more notes at nodejs meetup

started writing a novel for national novel writing month.

attended openstack sydney summit. basics of restful apis


attended sydney ui/ux meetup. mention of trademark

i wrote down the question that i asked.


study hurts.
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