Here is some recent artwork. Enjoy. I recently attended the Auckland Art Show and there was some people from The Learning Connexion there. They were suprised when I mentioned I had attended almost 15 years ago.



Fortyfive Landscape

Helldivers 2 sketch. It has been awhile since I played it but use to enjoy playing it with family.


Rectangle Landscape

Spike Keyblade

Spiky Cloud

Sunshine Landscpe

Triangle Cloud
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Welcome to 2023. Here is some artwork:

artctrl logo sketching, along with thumbnails of landscapes. Focus on moon character.

Happy Year of the Rabbit. Guild Wars 2 fan art.

A landscape

Pepper and Carrot pushing a machine with the letters 37 on it.

Pepper and Carrot standing in front of a machine.
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Welcome to the art of December 2022. I hope you have had a wonderful year.

Addercipe for mobile app development.

Portrait of /u/bella_cosplay from redditgetsdrawn.

Portrait of /u/elenathekitten from redditgetsdrawn.

Portrait of /u/isolation-sam from redditgetsdrawn.

Landscape with squares.

Landscape with sun.

Portrait of my friend Mel.

Drawings of Cat Puddy and Dog Mochi.

Portrait of /u/scatterbrainzzu from redditgetsdrawn.

Portrait of /u/x160 from redditgetsdrawn.
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Here is the artwork for October 2022.

UX wireframe design for calculator app that I built for course. We have to use Xamarin forms, which was horrible. For the rest of the projects this term I get to use Swift. The the calc design I used blue in the background and red for the text/outlines.

Another UX wireframe Calc design. This was the final design and layout I used.

Drawing of someone from redditgetsdrawn. I forgot to write down the name! She is holding a plank on the back of her neck.

Eye drawings, including a guest drawing by Wyatt.

A drawing of u/harold_grundelson from RedditGetsDrawn. I like the thick rimmed glasses.

Character with horns and a background landscape.

A drawing of u/kitsune-moon from RedditGetsDrawn. I like the outfit and face movement.

Drawing of someone from redditgetsdrawn. Again, I forgot to write down the name! She is holding a knife and a glass of wine.

Octopus creature.

Landscape with a few characters.

Tent on a landscape
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Welcome to September 2022. This month is special because it’s my Fathers and Grandmothers birthday. My Grandmother is the same age as the late Queen. Congrats!
I was in Sydney and Melbourne this morning. Didn’t do any artwork, but did attend APIDays Conference.
When I returned to NZ I did a bunch of artwork - mostly from redditgetsdrawn. Enjoy ~

A crazy busy landscape line drawing with both black and red colors. There is a figure on the left with a very long neck.

A landscape with alot of water. Some marketing ad notes on the top left.

Landscape, Figures and portraits. More marketing ad notes.

A landscape with lots of water. No notes on this one!

A drawing of u/aesthel from redditgetsdrawn. I liked her goggles on the forehead and interesting makeup (spots near the eyes)

A drawing of u/aprikahan from redditgetsdrawn. Simple portrait of her looking to the side, nice necklace and suit.

A drawing of u/artboxcreationsinc from redditgetsdrawn. This one reminded me of Pepper and Carrot being witch themed. I liked the patterns on her clothing, interesting shaped glasses, witches hat (which most is missing from my portrait) and straw broomstick.

A drawing of u/lullabyformycat from redditgetsdrawn. Cool tattoos on the arms.

A drawing of u/nosebearnosebear from redditgetsdrawn. Again, tattoos are fun to draw. This time they were on the arm and shoulder.

A drawing of u/ruairi from redditgetsdrawn. Finally a male! This one is interesting because his head is in the stocks and he is pulling peace symbol.

A drawing of u/thespacecase93 from redditgetsdrawn. I like the suit and baldness. Reminds me of of Agent from Hitman. Or maybe Lex Fridman if he lost his hair..

A drawing of Unknown from redditgetsdrawn. Normally I’m good at writing down the usernames, but missed it on this one! oh well, might go back through history and find / update later. I like the hate and the arm going over the head.
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Artwork for August 2022. Mix of character, landscape, development wireframes, and sketch daily works.

Auth Characters. Playing with opactivy sensitive brushes in Krita.

Few characters including one of with a cool beard. And a quick sketch of Rania.

The theme on Sketch Daily was Japan. So I did a search for Japanese lady and drew one.

Long arm and legs.

Doodling characters.

A skull from DND.

Adding the color to development wireframe. I called the appl Ugly Notes.

Development Wireframe for course. It was for a meeting minutes app built with Python. This was the line wireframe.
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Welcome to July 2022 artwork

I was watching the bobs burgers film on disney+ and sketched this as I was doing it.

Notes and sketches from dnd session.

A landscape with someone in a facemask.

A landscape with a fang.

Pepper Carrot frontpage sketch with Pepper looking out over a landscape.

Red Hills. Playing with tools and brushes in Krita.

A landscape with scrible star.

A triangle face
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Drawing of a airman from DnD session

CK Rania drawing

CK Robotics drawing

CK William drawing

RGD portrait of Dasher Dawg

drones in the sky landscape

life is strange portrait

A monster landscape

Sunglass characters landscapes

Watermelon landscapes. Was a prompt on sketchdaily.

A webby landscape.
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Here are recent pencil and ink works. I recently brought a small notebook, ink pen, and clutch pencil from the Japanese store here - much cheaper than gordan harris. Though I would like to get a larger notebook in the future - the one I am currently using is A6 and A5 would be better.

From imagination

From imagination

This is a view on K Road, Auckland. Looking towards the Rockshop building. Tress, landpost, buildings, and traffic lights.

This is a view in Lyall Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. It is looking out towards a island. I caught up with my friend Brooke who I attended The Learning Connexion with… almost a decade ago now.

Full character with horns over two pages. Landscape in the background.

View from minibar in Wellington, New Zealand. I got a jug of cider.

From imagination

Notes taken at the Auckland Python meetup. There was a bunch of speakers - from chicargo crime to a django site for marine repair hiring, and RESTful best practices.
I am going to submit a talk for next month. I will either talk about MindBodyOnline API and what I am doing with it for Hot Yoga Works (a talk I have never done before) OR Space GIF (which I have talked about at NASA Space APPS and Sydney Python)

This was drawn in Napier, New Zealand. I traveled to Napier to visit my Grandfather but he was unwell so I didn’t end up seeing him. The view, weather, and my time in Napier was good though.
I have drawn this scene previously when I have traveled to Napier in the past to visit Grandad.
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Merry Xmas. Another year is almost over. But here’s another post of artwork. I started a new job last week, which keeps me busy during the day. But in the evening I got home and felt like drawing. Which is great, as when I wasn’t working it was hard to motivate myself to draw most days.
Alot of this artwork was created well watching the new season of Rick and Morty (which I have drawn characters from in the past) and the new Netflix show - The Witcher. I have The Witcher 3 on Nintendo Switch and own The Witcher 2 on PC Steam, but never really played the 2nd one.

Rick and Morty inspired characters with water below.

No leg character on the left with a circle spiral around it.

A character on a raft.

Comedy Unleashed is a Youtube channel standup comedy channel I watch sometimes.
On the right is a Rick/Morty portrait. And the words Mike Mendel - producer of Rick and Morty.

A landscape. No characters but clouds in the sky, Squiggles for water, and a mixture of circles and rectangles for the horizon line.

A full figure standing on the left. Squiggles on the right for water. Half circles on the horizon. A building with G shape.

A line drawing trace from a strip from David Revoy E29 of Pepper and Carrot. Original artwork, used under ccby licence. No pepper or Carrot in this - instead a dragon from another dimension.
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