
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

Westfield Auckland Sketch

Some more drawings of Auckland during my visit. Most of these are around Westfield New Lynn Mall.

Top half. HB Pencil on white paper. This is mostly the ceiling.  Working vertical, gives an interesting perspective. Much more detail in this area then the roof. People were blocking areas so I had to work around that somewhat. Attempted to capture the wood bark texture on the containers - spreading it to other container structures. I’ll do a paint over of these works tonight or in the morning. 

Left side of mall outside sketch. Sadly the other half isn’t scanning. stupid scanner.

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Print Digital Strd

Digital works that I worked on last night. I have the flu so havn’t been drawing (or even leaving the house). I’ll keep warm and recovery should be fine.

Here are some JPGs and GIFs….

This was originally created in Printmaking in 2010. Several lithograph prints were created from it. I decided to open it in GIMP and produce a paint over. Though it’s the same process as the sketchbook to digital works I’ve decided to use a different yellow - to explore greens.

The GIF. The first frame is the original print, followed by white, blue, yellow, and line.

Sketchbook development here. Interesting mix of trees and buildings. No blue. Maybe it should be added.

GIF of the work. Sketchbook, white, yellow, green/light gray/mix gray, line.

Cuba Street. What interesting shapes can be created?

GIF of the work. Sketchbook, white, blue, blue (I did the background twice), gray, green/yellow, line.

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Digital Mall Time

Taken several of my sketches from Auckland and produced a paint over. There was only one new idea here - using the eraser in areas to help tonal value

New Lynn mall. I need a new nip for my pen. It’s grinded down and is scrapping on the tablet. It may be part of the problem of unable to get straight lines - my hand has been very jerky. Frustrating. 

Working on this I wished I had taken a photo of the scene - the line was fine - but I had no information for the tone - so just made it up. I guess it works, but it doesn’t feel right.

I  used the eraser tool for the blue - capturing a more transparent background. It’s been awhile since I’ve explored these ideas.

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Auckland Waterfont plus train wait

A selection of drawings from my trip to Auckland. I picked the Sketchbook up from Ponsonby and began to fill it with views from around Auckland. Although I picked up two new colored pencils from the French Art Shop as well I didn’t end up using it - I’ve been finding it easier to work with just pencil then adding color at a digital stage. 

Auckland waterfront. There were several fisherman out. I sat on a seat and just enjoyed the view. I enjoyed drawing this because it offered me several layers of perspective - something thats important when capturing the scene. No tone either - praticing that line. Once I’ve taken this into GIMP I’ll work on painting Lynn Mall. During the time I was locked out of the place I was staying in New Lynn I hanged out in the local Lynn Mall. There were several place to sit and draw. This is near the entery of the building.  Train. The train takes an hour from New Lynn to Britomart. One hours a long time to work on a drawing, so every time I took the train I was able to get a drawing done. I was happy with the train system in Auckland - it was certainly cheaper than Wellington.

And last another view from the waterfont. This time it’s the huge machines they use on the dock. These were lined up in perspective so I struggled somewhat with attempts to capture the scale.

There are more drawings of Auckland that I need to scan and upload. But this will do for now. Enjoy.

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Waihi Digital Face

More digital paintovers of sketchbook pages. Also included are gif images to show the layers I’ve been working with.

Beach in Levin. Again I focused on the blue for the enviroment and added some yellow for the car, GIF of the same image. The first layer is my pencil sketch - then white (background) - blue tone - yellow tone - black line. Opacity of brush is 80%

Protest in Waihi for Ann, There were over 20 people that showed for the protest. I spent most of the time holding a ‘It’s a health issue, not a crimr’ sign with my feet and sketching.

The GIF. Again the process is the same

Self portrait that Janelle drew for me - I took it into GIMP to do a paintover on it. 

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Sketchbook auckland

Here are drawings from a protest in Waihi and Aucland.

I love my new landscape sketchbook - the pages are long! These drawings are all in my A4 visual diary.

Sketch of Janelle protesting across the street. I held my sign with my legs and just sketched, multitasking. I did several drawings of Janell in my sketchbook - and in return she drew a portrait of herself for me. 20120818-112350.jpg

A merge of the ‘Fuck the system’ badge attached to Janelles jeans and the massive hole at Waihi - Mining! The view was incredible - shame I didn’t have my normal pencils - only this yellow. The line is much heavier than pencil.

Portrait that Janelle drew in my book during the car drive up to Auckland. I always like it when someone gives me a piece of their own creative lives. 20120818-112359.jpg

Henderson drawing. This was at the train station - observing an intersection below. Aucklands been fun to explore with my sketchbook.

The drive up north with Gary. I tried to fill in perspective - by using both the view outside the car and the interal of the car. Roads were a large focus of this - attempting to capture the scale and rotation.  Candles. Where I stayed with Gary. This is the view from the kitchen table- Again working with perspective - candles in foreground and shelf in background.

Where me and Gary stopped for the break on the trip. It was a beautiful view so I did a quick sketch. I included someones van for added scale.

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Eye Glow Digital

I am currently in Auckland, weather has been decent - allowed me to get outside and sketch lots. Here are some digital works I did when in Waihi - reference is recent drawings in my sketchbook. 

A new color induduced - Green. This was a doodle page, but I was able to paint over it and extract the information I wanted. Blue blue blue. Similar idea to the Auckland painting - but this time mighty Levin. I have to do one of these of Auckland. A blue shade of Auckland. 

Catherines Character. Just a simple paint over. My lines are improving. It’s important that I work on that line every day - especially with digital, harder to make a perfect line than traditional.

There is a digital camera here so tomorrow I may photograph some of drawings of Auckland and get them uploaded. Tonight I’ll work on some digital paintings.

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Sketchy Sketchy Levin

Some recent pencil works in Visual Diary. These works were done well in Levin, mostly from watching television (yay Breaking Bad) and a select few from outings in Levin.

Here I sat in the carpark near the Cinema and drew the new community centre that’s being made. It opens towards the end of September. I’ll be interested in check it out when it’s done. Though I think too much money has been spent. Wasted local govt money. I read a article saying the place will be equipted with the latest ‘macs and pcs’. That statement along frustrates me. They should install Linux on all the computers rather have a mixture of ‘macs and pcs’.

I used my clutch pencil in this - keeping the lines clean and tidy. 

I recieved a spiderman toy from Mums. It’s arms and legs move in 3 places, head rotates and waist. It makes good referce. I’ll like more toys like it for pratice. 

Portraits and character development. I’ll likely take these further in GIMP.

More ideas on exploring character constriction. The idea is to create more 3d character on paper. This will make it easier when taking the works into blender.

Escape the sandstorm EOW. It was a great theme and I wish I had digitalisted these works earier the week. I’ll see how I get on this weekend but may have time to work on a digital version for the theme.

Got the goache out. Goache in Visual Diary isn’t bad, though I can’t layer it. Praticing poses. 

More goache. The brush I’m using is my largee blight brush. It allows me to use the corner so I can create small mark as well as the whole brush to create a large stroke. Amazing large brushes.

The beach in Levin. I went out last weekend with Mum, Luke, and Roger. On the right is Rogers car, with the view of land in the distance. Water separates the sand in the foreground with the land in the distance. Again another work I’ll take into GIMP.

Breaking Bad sketches. I like watching tv shows and movies. Having the sketchbook in front of me when I’m watching is helpful - it’s great practice for multitasking and for quick sketches. Develop an idea of what a character looks like from a range of angles/zooms.

Stan Lee Portrait and Spiderman. I was going to post this on the Stan Lee AMA on Reddit when he does it.

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Board Acrylic Takaka

I’ve been saying in the last few posts about posting my recent acrylic board paintings. Landscapes from when I returned from ChCh. I borrowed Joys camera and finally took some photos of them. I need to borrow this camera more often (or better yet - buy one!) and take more regular photos of my artwork - it builds up otherwise and it’s an overload of images to upload. There are still works from the South Island that I have yet to post.

This is 3 photos merged into one. This allowed me to create a extended view of the canvas - it’s rather long. The acrylic paint I’m using is just cheap poster paint. It seems to work alright. The reference for this painting was a drawing at Collingwood.  Another drawing to acrylic paint. This is a view in Takaka. This painting has had almost nothing added to it, keeping it true to the drawing. As I layer up color this may change.  Cardboard. My fathers wife has a bunch of this cardboard, I used some for painting on. I don’t really like the rough, grainy finish, but it holds the paint far better then brown paper. No reference for this, instead just making the shapes from imagination.

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