Happy Halloween! October is always a great month to draw people from redditgetsdrawn because of the halloween outfits. I’m certainly looking forward to the November posts also - where people will post images of them in their outfits.
Here’s the art from October 2021:

line drawing of briantheunfazed from redditgetsdrawn. The reference was full body. Highlight was drawing the tattoo on the leg.

line drawing of balloonstalker from redditgetsdrawn. In the reference she wore a octopus outfit, so it made for a interested draw - alot of tentacles and circles.

line drawing of chepsmx98 from redditgetsdrawn. In the reference he wore skeleton makeup and a suit. I like his bowtie!

line drawing of jumaru17 from redditgetsdrawn. I like her handplacment on the head.

line drawing of lilmichiz from redditgetsdrawn. This was quite a costume and alot was happening with the outfit - alot of fabric to draw.

line drawing of melon_can from redditgetsdrawn.

Another line drawing of melon_can - they submitted multipy photos.

An unknown from redditgetsdrawn, sometimes I forget to write down who im drawing. Highlight was drawing the necklace and tattoo on the arm.

Experimenting with texture brushes in krita.

line drawing of urgaygarfields from redditgetsdrawn. A side portrait.

line drawing of wickedbhabie from redditgetsdrawn. Almost a full body, just missing the legs.

grayscale painting of wickedbhabie from redditgetsdrawn. Experimenting with texture brushes for certain areas - such as hair to give a more realistic look. I like the straight brush that is used.
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Here is artwork for May 2021.

I have been watching The Bad Batch on Disney+, this is a drawing of some of the concept art from the show.

Jewels logo. A smile face made out of jewels.

A drawing of white_widow23 from redditgetsdrawn.

A drawing of avabamby line version. I liked the pattern on her top.

Tonal grayscale version of avabamby from redditgetsdrawn. It’s been awile since I have done tonal works.

A character and a landscape

Learnt about 0101s in binary
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Welcome to March 2021. Despite the name of the post. Yes I didn’t do a post for feb 2021. But here is some artwork.

A landscape. Mostly trees.

Starting a landscape. Something that looks like a plant.

A portrait of kennybearrr. Such a big smile :)

Some sort of creature in the middle standing on the ground. With clouds surrounding it. Alot of tetris like shapes covering the ground.

r/wallstreetbets mascot fanart.

A portrait of llama_laughter from redditgetsdrawn. No background, just her face.

Character with no head but the words you may know on the bottom left. Landscape covers rest of the image.

A portrait of Luna + James. They broke up over a year ago. Quite popular vblogs on YouTube and other platforms.

A portrait of randomname789037 from redditgetsdrawn. Landscape in the background.

A self portrait. With added stars.

A face in the middle with lines coming off to the side. Vertical structures coming out from the ground.

A portrait of bs_ricky from redditgetsdrawn.

A portrait of paryisnotdead from redditgetsdrawn. A added stars to the side of the portrait.

A portrait of veeeeeevy from redditgetsdrawn. I like her hat. Landscape and bush in the background.
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Merry Xmas. Here’s some portraits mostly of family cats for xmas presents but a few rgd portraits thrown in there.

My sisters cat - Furio. He is the same type of cat that I had when I was in high school - kitty cat. He is very friendly and likes to go exploring.

Character standing with a sword.

A unicorn. Drawn from the hells pizza site well waiting for pizza order.

Mums cat Duece. He likes to go on walks when we walk the goats.

A portrait of barky1bark from rgd

A landscape with a character and lightning in the sky.

A portrait of kiri_a04 from rgd.

A drawing of my brothers cat Puddy which I drew for his birthday. His tounge is perm out.

A portrait of elwin-mage from rgd.

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Here’s some last minute artwork for october. More Halloween themed portraits.

A portrait of habriellehumua from redditgetsdrawn. Small horns. It’s not finished, missing hair and background etc. But the simplicity of it is nice.

A portrait of yooitsash from redditgetsdrawn. A scarecrow theme for halloween. I like the flower bow.

A portrait of natigg_78 from redditgetsdrawn. Holding a orange up to her eye, so only had to draw one eye. The hand was fun to draw.

A portrait of bbzarr from redditgetsdrawn. Strong dark makeup on the face, clown like. The shirt had a montage of portraits on. So this is a portrait within a portrait.

A portrait of emilynnsimmons. Plain looking, non halloween portrait. No background. Looking straight on.

A portrait of gardengnoslc from redditgetsdrawn. Looking to a angle.
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Here is some artwork that I created recently. All the references are from redditgetsdrawn. It’s October so lots of pre Halloween photos which is fun.

A portrait of buyingsecrets. Clean lines for the face, looking to the right. Managed to fit in the bust into the frame also. A stripped top. No background.

A portrait of lacielaplante. This was a Halloween costume. She has devil horns on her head which was great to add into the image. Interesting way of holding her hand which made for a challenge.

A portrait of oggality. Nice hate and interesting container he is holding. I drew the people on the container. full body within portrait art.

I didn’t write down the name of this one. But it’s a guy with a beard from redditgetsdrawn.

A portrait of nessi_saltares. I like the way she is holding her hand under her chin.

A portrait of el-gothica. Another Halloween costume. This one had lots of body paint applied - creating a 2 face type effect. I really enjoyed creating the thick back lines to show the edge of the paint. In the background - darkness.

A portrait of vanessa_30.

A portrait of electicheadcomedy. Halloween costume but a male. I drew his horns much shorter than the photo. Very frizzy hair.
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It is the end of Sept! I have been quite busy doing stuff for Hot Yoga Works but here is a few portraits I drew from RedditGetsDrawn.

A portrait of harsita- from redditgetsdrawn. I liked the lip/mouth pattern on her top.

Portrait of elizabeeeef from redditgetsdrawn. The frekles were a highlight.

A creature standing on a landscape drawn from imagination.

Quick sketch of bek from yoga studio. Was going to look at redrawing all the yoga teachers as part of the about section on their site.

Portrait of lemastersg from redditgetsdrawn. I like the eye glass and the expression on his face - especially the wrinkles that is formed about his eyebrows.

Thick land scape.


A portrait of clowncutie123 from redditgetsdrawn.
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Here’s the art for August. I’ve moved into a place in Auckland, and have been writing more code than art.


Rania had a go drawing on the Pi. This looks like a sig.

A drawing of dsk1389 from RedditGetsDrawn.

Landscape in New Plymouth I drew

A drawing of mishiepan from redditgetsdrawn

Character holding hip with landscape.
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I have been free from iso for the past few weeks. It’s been nice to see family and begin to get settled.
Here is some recent artwork - mostly from the last week. A mixture of redditgetsdrawn and friends portraits

A portrait of Rani. Had a date with her in Hamilton. We had bubble tea and dumplings. It was fun meeting her, but I won’t see her again.

A portrait of sugar-fairy from rgd. I liked drawing the braids in her hair.

A portrait of lostpatromess from rgd. In the background I decided to draw a landscape.

A portrait of Rania. Her head is on the side. In the background is a doorframe. We chatted lots during my time in iso. Have had good food, bubble tea, and beach trips with her. A good friend.

A portrait of lolla183 from rgd. Her forehead is cut off. In the background is a landscape.

A portrait of mihsnguen from rgd. She is looking over her shoulder. There was a landscape in the reference image so I was able to add it to this.

A landscape with a robot holding one leg up.

A landscape with character with thick arms.
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I decided to move back to New Zealand. I have not had a job since March and there is more support for me in New Zealand. I miss Sydney alot. Especially my friends and traveling around Sydney. I hope to go back in the future. I have been in a hotel for the past two weeks. I connected my raspberry pi to the hotel tv and did digital drawing - the reference i used was portraits on redditgetsdrawn.

I portrait of kt_jp on rgd, I liked the neon lights behind her, the animal hat and the circle glasses.

A portrait of gabriellewho19 from rgd. I liked the internal building elements in the background.

A portrait of losercase from rgd. I like her diamond shaped glasses. They are not circle, but jagged. Very unique.

A portrait of chaohaiou from rgd. I like her blink of one eye.

A landscape with a person on it.

A landscape with no people.

A portrait of teaforte from rgd. I like her outfit and the way her hair is tied up.

A portrait of personwithissues101 from rgd. I like her circle glasses and the landscape in the background. There is land in the distance, water to the right. and land in the center.

A portrait of htttayp from rgd. I like her bust and the way her arm reaches behind her back.

A portrait of daphne666 from rgd. I like the side angle and the flowers on her outfit.
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