Artwork for August 2022. Mix of character, landscape, development wireframes, and sketch daily works.
Auth Characters. Playing with opactivy sensitive brushes in Krita.
Few characters including one of with a cool beard. And a quick sketch of Rania.
The theme on Sketch Daily was Japan. So I did a search for Japanese lady and drew one.
Long arm and legs.
Doodling characters.
A skull from DND.
Adding the color to development wireframe. I called the appl Ugly Notes.
Development Wireframe for course. It was for a meeting minutes app built with Python. This was the line wireframe.
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Welcome to July 2022 artwork
I was watching the bobs burgers film on disney+ and sketched this as I was doing it.
Notes and sketches from dnd session.
A landscape with someone in a facemask.
A landscape with a fang.
Pepper Carrot frontpage sketch with Pepper looking out over a landscape.
Red Hills. Playing with tools and brushes in Krita.
A landscape with scrible star.
A triangle face
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Hello and Welcome to artwork of June 2022. This month I did something I have not done in many years - draw from the reddit sketchdaily subreddit. When I use to live in Wellington and attend art school there, I would use the subreddit to pratice my digital drawing. In more recent months I have found it hard to find things to draw, so a prompt helps. Enjoy.
Cerettalun from RedditGetsDrawn. I like the pokemon theme that she has going on.
Circle Wire. A drawing from imagination.
Dance Jag Landscape.
Dora, a theme for SketchDaily
Fang Water
Hook, a theme for SketchDaily. Hook was my favorite movies as a child. Reference for this is the Disney version though.
lorencristxne from redditgetsdrawn.
Slime, a theme for SketchDaily.
Smile Happy.
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Artwork for May 2022.
A sketch of a building.
Notes for course.
My new dnd character - Jofer Boffin AKA JoBo He is a halfling druid. This is a color layer of a painting I did of him.
Grayscale version of Jobo painting
and finally - line sketch of Jobo.
Spiral that Rania painted.
A warp pool.
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Drawing of a airman from DnD session
CK Rania drawing
CK Robotics drawing
CK William drawing
RGD portrait of Dasher Dawg
drones in the sky landscape
life is strange portrait
A monster landscape
Sunglass characters landscapes
Watermelon landscapes. Was a prompt on sketchdaily.
A webby landscape.
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Welcome to March!
Broadbelt grayscale concept art for 2d platformer game.
Broadbelt color concept art for 2d platformer game.
Broadbelt line concept art for 2d platformer game.
Started as a drawing from redditgetsdrawn, turned into tentacle creates and pointy circle shapes.
Landscapes with a angry looking figure.
Downloaded a anime drawing reference app on my phone, so reference was using that. Portraits.
A original Donald Dragger panel. Taking elements of my own work and mixing it into Donald Dragger.
Another original Donald Dragger panel. This time it is 4 scenes - reference was original Donald Dragger comic.
Kept going with original Donald Dragger artwork. 2x3 panel. Elephant type creature that drops a teardrop, that is a creature, that then dissolves.
Three-headed creature with landscape background.
Donald Dragger 05 remix.
Donald Dragger 07 remix. I’m going to remix them all!
Drawing of my sisters cat - Furio. I created this for her birthday. Happy Birthday!
Angry Yes is a giant NPC in current DND campaign. Sometimes he is sad yes. He is good at throwing party members and
doing big damage. Will he be HappyYes one day?
At the top is the symbols that the party discovered in the temple.
landscape arms.
landscape smile.
Portrait of Rania with landscape and planets surrounding.
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Two areas of artwork this month (and a bonus portrait from rgd).
The first is Donald Dragger comic artwork that I remixed. The original artwork is posted on Katharsisdrill. This is the same
author that creates PhillFromGCHQ (though it has been sometime since that has been updated), which I have remixed in the past.
Here are 4 strips of comic:
Next is the game art assets I created for my gamedev project from the software development course im doing at techtorium. It’s a 2d space shooter and my game can be
played at techaris
First is the ‘background’ concept art. This includes the background I used in the game, and logo/start/exit.
digital ink layer
original pencil concept art sketch of the background
and the tonal layer of the background. This is what I used in the game.
Next is characters and enemies:
Grayscale character later. This is what was used in the game.
Digital ink of the character and enemy.
And finally a portrait from redditgetsdrawn.
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Here is a collection of artwork from Jan 2022. It’s mostly Pepper and Carrot remixed works. Original artwork by David Revoy
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Reference is u/alexisHealy which was posted on RedditGetsDrawn. This was drawn on my new wacom clique tablet. Quite a thick line of her, and a thinner line for the background which is a door and light switch.
Started drawing a character from the game Crusader Kings 3 and ended with a landscape, and character on the right.
Crusade character. This was a reference from RedditGetsDrawn but I didn’t write down the username. I like his long coat.
Two characters wearing a Debian and Calvin Klein shirt. In the background a landscape - including a tall tree and mountains. There is a mouse and another tree on the right.
landscape testing with the new tablet - including a moon.
A very dotty landscape.
Double landscape. Having a go with the red colour for line.
Drawing of dudacmallmann from redditgetsdrawn. Almost a full body - just missing the legs. Holding a glass.
Drawing of elizabeeeef from redditgetsdrawn. A Halloween makeup image - drawing the neck and mouth areas especially fun.
A character with fangs on landscape.
Drawing of fast_construction from redditgetsdrawn. I think the shading came out well and gives the portrait a real 3d looking effect.
Hello World. Testing the new tablet.
A character with horns, and landscape in the background.
Paper Scissors Rock.
Reference was characters from the stellaris video game.
Small Sausage William. This was drawn by Rania. I like the character.
Character waving their arms.
William on the computer - line version. R drew the original - this is my line tracing.
My painting of William on the computer. R says: Too much black.
Drawing of xnoomiex from RedditGetsDrawn. I like her elf ears.
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Here is artwork from november 2021. It’s a mixture of mostly Pepper and Carrot line art tracing, and redditgetsdrawn portraits.
A drawing of brandnewlogicvl from redditgetsdrawn. Not often enough do I draw males on RedditGetsDrawn
Dino comic
One landscape
Second landscape
Drawing of mooncoyote from redditgetsdrawn
A dragon and a tree. Original artwork created by David Revoy
A mushroom house. Another David Revoy line art piece that I traced.
A drawing I did of my brothers cat Puddy.
A portrait of putridcartographer97 from redditgetsdrawn.
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