
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee

Sketchdaily Monsters and Digital Street Dev

Nibs for my Wacom tablet arrived on Tuesday so I’ve had a couple of days praticing… oh boy it’s nice to use over my old one. So much control. I’ve been focusing on taking the Levin street drawings into GIMP, using them both as reference and paint overs. I’ve been trying to take the computer out of the house more as well - setting up in the local library and at my brothers place.

Though I haven’t done any of the SketchDaily themes these past few days (busy with Python and the street paintings) I plan to get back into them'

Here’efs some recent work:I

This was with my old tablet. I did this over the weekend, before my new nibs arrived. The reference I used for this painting was a drawing in my sketchbook I did in the new Levin library, looking outside.

Now here’s a painting I did with my new wacom. Notice much of a different? I used much the same techniques as the previous painting but get a much nicer outcome. For this work I took a digital painting I had done and worked on it further, something that I need to do more. I could even scale this down and extend the painting further. I think this scale down technique will help me develop detail in my works.

This is with the old wacom but I have managed to get color in there. I like to use the multiply brush effect. It allows me to layer up those colors without losing the grayscale tone underneath. In the past if I wanted to show the under layers I would drop the opacity or use the eraser and cut back into the painting  I’ve been using the screen option as well, but not in this one.

Zombie girl for skethdaily. I got some feedback for this:


So, do you want some help with your painting?

I don’t know what you’re drawing with, do you use a mouse, a trackpad or a tablet? If you use a mouse, and can afford it of course, switch to a tablet. If you already do, you’re off to a good start.

I’d try to reduce the palette. Choose three to four colours and stick with them. Keep a neutral background, so far the black background smothers all the details you put in. As far as I can see you use Gimp for your paintings. That’s totally okay - at least it’s a lot better than Paint! If I were you, I’d try using a smaller brush - or even a pencil tool. Start by learning to draw outlines, do colour as a secondary step or not at all. But for the sake of practice, I’d abstain from using colours until you get the basics down.

I don’t mean to offend, but so far one can’t really make out what you’re trying to paint. As I can see in your videos, you do have an idea you want to put down, but ultimately struggle with the outcome. Some more refined edges would help in the long run. Try using bigger areas of colour, if you must. As far as I can see, you also always use the same brush size. Use bigger sizes for the foundation, and smaller ones for details! Right now, everything blends together to a conglomeration of similarly sized lines, which lack definition.

Anyway, keep doing what you’re doing! Only practice makes uses better!

They made some good points. In terms of the comment about brush size, using the new tablet has this feature so won’t be a probem now, it’s also much easier to draw with it. I need to use more of a range of brush types in my paintings. I guess that’s one thing I’ve been working on. Maybe release a brush pack once I’ve made a few.

Since I’ve been getting back into using Python again it’s time I wrote scripts for GIMP. One script I had in mind would do this. Open a file, divide it up, export the divided pieces as brushes. This could be a great way to produce 50 or so brushes quickly.

Here’s the final SketchDaily - Demon:

I used a World of Warcraft reference for this. Again multiply color brush used over the grayscale underpainting.

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Levin Plants and Cars

I’ve taken a break from the digital painting till my new nibs arrive later in the week. Instead I’ve been working with Python - Pygame and Autopy. Something different.

Still trying to get out and draw everyday -  have had some beautiful days here. Here’s some of my drawings that I’m planning to take into GIMP in the near future.

No traveling currently so all these are around Levin…

Levin North School again. Sat in a similar place I did as last time. The perspective of the steps was certainly a challenge - I still struggle with it.

These stripes are used to show the bump in buildings. Helps with the directional feel to the image.A quick shop in New World before this one - rice crackers, humus, and a creaming soda. I was able to relax in a chair well drawing this scene over looking the New World carpark. Burger King is new for Levin. I hold no interest in it but the sign was fun to draw.

New World billboard on the left. Mountains in the background which I’ve covered with a 45 degree shading movement. Couple of plants peeking out in the bottom.

Sitting out front of my old High School - Horowhenua Collage. VIew of the start of Bath street. Powerpoles, fences, gardens. What more could one want? That first page is nice after looking at this garbage. Carry on.

Sitting outside the swimming pool drawing the building behind the skate park. I’ve been trying hard not to mess up the scale of items, it’s just about taking your time and really looking. Any fast moves and it’s all over.

The mall carpark. Cars are becoming more frequent. I don’t think anything is harder than something else, it’s just about looking. Plants plants and more plants.

I do enjoy drawing those plants. In the past I had just focused on the branches but those leaves are becoming more frequent.

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Levin Street School

After uploading so much digital works lately I thought I’d better scan in sketchbook works. It’s important to me that I can out of the house everyday with this sketchbook and get two drawings done. Not everyday this happens, but when it does I feel good. These works are all from various locations in Levin. Old letterbox in my Mothers backyard. It was a beautiful afternoon and I sat on the deck with my sketchbook, drank a beer, ate lemonades, and sketched. This is one of the more zoomed drawings I’ve done recently. The box was painted with spraypaint by me. The ‘No Junk’ is a Russian font I found on the internet and copied. View in the new library. I sat on the 2nd flour and drew the view looking outside. Lights were the main focus. Some vegetation/cars outside can be seen. 2nd part of previous drawing. Not so much detail as the previous page. Lights hanging down are plentyful though. I focused on scaling the lights in order to show the prespective of the room. It was certainly refereshing to draw a different scene over the usual light pole and trees. View of the Levin mall that I’ve drawn several times before. Focus this time was less on the building and more on the trees and car.  Front of the car, trees and vegetation in the background. Again, not alot of detail in this one.  View of Oxford Street. I like how I’ve rendered the plants, It’s created quite a mass of information  The top left is certainly missing information .. maybe I should of added clouds to this area. During this drawing I talked to a man called Rex. He has a video production company in Levin. I need to get in contact with him and visit his studio - should ring tomorrow.

Scale! Light pole scaling off into the distance. I talked to Rex for sometime so headed home shortly after. Strugled somewhat with the right side. I’m really happy with the left though. so I guess it makes up for it.  View from a seat on Queen Street. I’ve drawn this scene many times before, but it’s always a new experience.  This was drawn at home, in the tunnel house. I don’t normally draw at home but it was a sunny day and I was relaxing with a Double Brown, talking to Dad and some friends from down the road.

This drawing is of the wooden pillars in the tunnel house and a chain holding up a plant.

Queen Street. My sister came for a walk with me and I brought her lunch. Sadly I had forgot my clutch pencil - it was a disaster. I was going to go home without drawing - oh the horror. But I decided to pop into a shop and buy a pack of two HB pencils. These were ok but I still preferred my clutch. I found it once I got home, we were reunited.

Typical scene that I have been drawing recently, Subway is on the left. For the tree leaves I just made

The right side of the page. This was a disaster. I got the perspective wrong and added the car in - when really the car is much further to the right. I tried to fix this by attempting to change the car into clouds. The poles scaling down are correct. Holley was getting cold and wanted to head off so I gave up on this one. Happy with the left page though

I need to draw in a variety of locations. I get sucking into drawing the same scenes several times, which isn’t a bad thing, but it is refeshing to draw something new, and keeps me on my toes.

This scene is a drawing of a local school - Levin North School. I attended this school in the late 90s. It hasn’t changed and it was nice to sit on the field and draw the buildings. Many wonderful memories here - mostly role playing television and movies characters with friends (Batman and Stargate SG1)

I’m especially happy with how the building on the far left. It’s working well. Looking forward to taking these drawings into GIMP and producing paintings.

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Space Hangar and Levin street dev

Here’s a couple of images I’ve been working with. Trying to get something done for the EOW. I’m not partially happy with them. So I moved onto working with more of a straight street scene. Which I’m happy with. 

I used a drawing I did in Levin as reference on my other monitor as I painted this. The brush I used is a custom brush I made myself. It has a very flat brush feel to it. Love it! I’m going to keep working on making brushes out of areas. Maybe release a brush pack? 

Here I scaled down the previous painting and worked on adding more content to the painting. I feel my paintings often lack information and want to work on adding more. This is a good start

I’ll add the other paintings… but I’m not happy with them…

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SketchDaily Works 4th to 6th Oct + RedditGetsDrawn

More digital paintings in GIMP. I’ve gotten good at recording all my painting I’ve been doing, editing and uploaded to Youtube, No sound on it because I’m not a sound person and don’t have the time to do a narration to them all.  Merpeople was the theme for October 5th. I was inspired by my sister who often makes the noise Ekk Ekk. Being a fish. As always, spent time working on the background even more than the characters.  October 6th. Cats. And Spider People. I went with the cats and people theme.  This was a portrait I did for someone on Reddit. They wanted their child drawn so I painted this.

Short blog post. Much of my time is being spent on Guild Wars 2…. inspiring Concept Art with the loading scenes!.

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Reddit SketchDaily bonus DA

I’ve really gotten back into SketchDaily on Reddit. They are having a month long Monster Girl theme happening… really motivates me to work on something everyday.

Here’s the work so far. All painted in GIMP with my old Wacom CTE-440 tablet.

Harpy. Experimenting with some different colors - most notable the purple.  Centaurs.Added in elements of my street drawings into this.  Beautiful on the inside and Slime People. Inspirted by Da Vinci anatomy. Colors used tryed to convay slime. That yucky green/yellow.

Sketchdaily work for today. Snake People. Noses. As you can see these creatures have a lack of noses. Inspired by a snake head (used a snake head as reference) then imaganation from there. Experimented with mixing colored together - red and blue to get the purple and a combo of yellow, red and blue to get the washed out red (background).

This wasn’t for Sketch Daily but it was still painted for a Reddit user. I’d like to improve this doodle - think of those 6-7 year old kids, imagination overflowing, and having adventures everywhere… Response I got for the work:

Thank you very much! (I already replied, but see it’s not here - so sorry for the delay!) It reminds me of “Monkey’s Island” for some reason :D

Being on a roll I decided to go do some painting on DeviantArt forum DrawPLZ. The user here asked for a Octopus.

Another DrawPLZ work. Painted one of their characters. Draw your or my OC with headphones!

Here are a bunch of Videos of the painting Progress. Enjoy:

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Church Levin Mall Sketch

Pencil Sketches from various locations in Levin. This sketchbook is taking me sometime to get though. I’m only using reference in it - majority are these pencil street drawings.

View from a chair in a local Church. I attended with my Father and Filipino family. The view is the inside corner of the church and windows. Someone stood in the view for sometime so I was able to capture them - certainly helps with the scale. 

Top left is a painting on the wall. Two figures. Below are curtains and such. I didn’t have time to finish this off - the scene changed somewhat when people were packing up, curtains were closed etc. I lost the scene I was drawing and stopped. I guess this is why I enjoy drawing those street scenes. Nothing changes.

A view of the swimming pool in Levin. Here you can see the hydra slide weaving down.

The rights side of the hydro slide view. Mostly trees here. People often tell me they like my tree drawings

View of Levin Mall carpark. Some tone added in areas - the pole and mountain. I’ve drawn this scene many times before, but every time it’s very different.

On the right tis a sign telling people to drive carefully. Behind this, plants and trees. to the left a stop sign, and part of a mountain continued from previous page. I’ve really started getting back into tone here, covering the tree on the left, pole and mountains with it. This is a view of sitting on Queen Street.

Lights scaling off into the distance with branches of trees behind. Plants and a car at the bottom.

Something that isn’t Levin. This is a view in Foxton. I went to Foxton with my Father to help a friend cut down trees. This is the view when I was having lunch. I was looking down towards a church.

The 2nd half of the Foxton church view. Not so much information in this. Wire stretched across the page.

Quick sketch I did at my Grandmas place. I didn’t get much artwork done when I was there, spending most of my time playing Torchlight 2

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Cuba Street Painting October

It’s been several days since my last post. I’ve been on a trip to visit my Grandma. I got a bit of drawing done there - still need to scan the works in though. I was spose to scan it at Mums this afternoon - but forgot. I’ll try to get it done tomorrow so I can get some drawings uploaded.

Here’s a recent digital painting I did in GIMP of Cuba Street. Complete with video of the painting and narration. Enjoy.

Grayscale painting of the scene. Reference was a drawing I did on Cuba Street. It’s modified somewhat - added areas. This took 20 minutes. 

The finished color painting.

Video with narration. Great pratice doing the narration - it took me several attempts. Mostly talk about colors.

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Reddit Sketchdaily - End Sept

Hello. It’s been sometime since I have done the Reddit SketchDaily challanges. End of last year I was doing them regularly. But I got sick it. Lately I’ve tried to get back into it, just for something more. September 24th - I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends. I choose to draw my friend Amanda. I met Amanda during my time at TLC. I had used these colors before in other paintings. It was nice to work from a photo reference - something different to the usual drawing reference.

September 25th - Organic-ification. The idea behind this was to create a organic vechal. I started with a basic car design and colored with these tree inspired colors. I could of gone further and tried to make the car more tree like.

September 26th - Gradients. I took a recent drawing I did of a family friend - Hannah into gimp. Since the theme was gradients I used a light and dark of each color. This is my favorite of the set.

Here’s a video of me painting two of these. Sadly the video of Amandas painting became corrupt.

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Levin Cinema Painting

Took a recent sketch from my sketchbook into GIMP and did a digital paint over. I recorded the painting and uploaded it to Youtube- with a voice narration over it. I’ll make these a regular feature, It’s a good habit to get into.

Anyway, onto the painting.

I started with applying line to a recent pencil sketch. The view was of the mall carpark. I started with a 20 px pen and decreased it to 5 px for the detailed areas - especially on the left.

The final painting. Here I’ve painted over with tone and removed the line layer. Looking at this now - I could have added more darks to areas - especially the tree and skyline.

Video of the painting - with voice narration.

Have a great day.

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