The Raspberry Pi 3 with official 7 inch tft is working. After my last laptop died I decided to put it back together and it worked. I don’t plan on moving it - the ribbon is quite dodgy. But at least I can hold up on getting a new laptop.
Here’s recent artwork - mostly from Joker and Ludum Dare.

A Joker like character in the middle. A female form to the side. A quote from the film. And continue Ludum Dare idea of making cinematic crime game.

Joker portrait. Diamonds above his eyes. Darkness under his eyes. A full figure to the side, with hahaha being bellowed out.

smiles in the sky.

Character portrait on the right. Landscape in the background.

Characters with one left and a landscape.

Start with Nothing was the theme for the recent Ludum Dare. I didn’t have a hackathon on during this time so I decided to draw concept art - both pen and digital drawing. I even opened Blender on the Raspberry Pi 3 and created a model. I didn’t take it into Unity3d. But it was something.

I drew this well watching Castlevaina. References to religion, vampires, church etc.

Vampire character (Castlevaina continued…) with arms up and to the side. Shield with cross, dagger. Water and mountains in the distance. Clouds and sun in the sky.

Redraw of API Days Melbourne notebook notes. Contino had good slides and I enjoyed drawing the characters on their slides.

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Since both my Pi screens are currently not working I have decided to use a laptop to create artwork. It has been many years since I have done this. I am also recording the drawing and uploaded the footage to YouTube. This is something I use to do also but stopped when I started drawing on the Pi.
Here is some artwork, mostly from refernce on RedditGetsDrawn. The video for the RGD portraits is on YouTube: RGD Sept Mid

Drawing of friend of Chentex holding a donut. I love donuts.

Chantegreen RGD drawing. I like the angle of the head and the hand is near the mouth. Included a landscape in the background with a sun.

A landscape drawing. Warmup

Another drawing of Lucy. It’s from the same reference photo but this time I spent more time on it, and also included her bust. The recording of the drawing is on YouTube: lucy drawing
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Missed a month of updates. My portable screen broke so I have not had a screen that is good for outside. Here are a few works I created on the larger pi.
I’m running a fundraiser on Facebook in order to fund this art site, along with code. Check out, donate, and share: williams artwork and code living fund

A spike hair character with a landscape. Rick and Morty inspire

A panel from a redraw of recent Phill from GCHQ comic.

The Raspberry Pi logo with a landscape.

Redraw of Pepper and Carrot Episode 30 panel. I liked this episode because there is lots of landscape and building internals to draw. This is a new character and cat which is always fun to draw.

Carrot marching towards his home. He wants pats and hugs.

New pi start drawing during my recent trip to Brisbane

A character with lots of circles in a landscape.

A portrait of Lucy.
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I have been getting out more often with my Raspberry Pi and smaller display screen. It’s a bit easier to use in public than the 7 inch setup. Here is a mixture of digital drawings I created from both street views and imagination.

portrait drawing of Lee Kuan Yew. I have put a talk submission into pycon sg. I will talk about processing my art.
In the background I have drawn a landscape.

I took the train to Cronulla on Wednesday afternoon and went to the beach to draw.
This view was drawn looking north.

A second Cronulla drawing. This one is look South - back towards where I sat to draw the first drawing.

A robot with a sun in the sky.

A very happy looking robot.

A robot that is thinking.

A robot with six arms.

A robot with stripped fingers.

I sat outside Westfield in Hurstville and drew the buildings. My goal is to get out more and draw more buildings and street scenes - along with beaches!

I sat at the rooftop in Wesfield Hurstville and drank a drink well I drew the view. It was mostly tables and seats, but there was a few plants which made it more interesting.

A scared looking robot.

A robot with targets as eyes.

A short robot with landscape behind.

A tall robot.

A fat robot.
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The end of June. This month I upgraded the Pis that I use for the digital painting.
I now have two portable pi drawing setups. This allows me to draw with others.
Here’s the artwork that I have done in the past month:

Continue with the triangle shapes in the background, this time it is 3d pyramids.
Water flowing to the foreground with a human figure. clouds in the sky.
The robot has an arrowhead as a hand. Only one arm. Circle mountains in the
background. Some of them have circles covering the edge. Clouds in the sky with
water flowing to the foreground.

Ann drew this. It is a digital version of a landscape scene painting.

Random Hacks of Kindness sketch. Few characters, some water, lacking clouds.
Landscape. Character standing on water. Pointy mountains in the distance. Large sun
with clouds surrounding.

Four mountains with snow on. Character with one

Two characters. One with their arms up.

One robot with arms up. Circles coming up into the sky from the horizon line. Water sways to the foreground.
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A figure on the left with snow mountains in the distance.

A spike head creature with landscape.

Character leaning to the right with landscape

Robot with flower like aspects with landscape.

creature with squiggle legs.

Two characters. Squiggle lines in the sky instead of clouds

A character full figure on the left. Breaking it down to basic shapes. Zig zags for landscape. Clouds in the sky with circular mountains which edges are covered in circles.

Character in the center with just upper body. Mushroom like buildings in the distance with clouds in the sky. Zig zag water coming to foreground.

Drawn at the func programming meetup. I did not understand the talks but it was good to catch up with a few people that attended. Plus I had a job interview before the meetup.

A few sad faces with a landscape.

A giant figure on the left. pi3 written as this was one of the first drawings I did with new pi.

A portrait of Natasha with snow mountains behind.

A birdman with landscape.

A guy waving with a landscape behind him.

A creature with lightbackground.
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Today is my final day at Fusion Professionals. I will now be looking for a new role. It’s been 3 months at Fusion.
Here is some recent artwork. Majority of it is from a trip to Newcastle.

a minimal drawing. More could be added to the sky. Lota of circles.

A diamond character on the left. A sun in the sky surrounded by clouds. Triangle and rectangle hill shapes in the distance. The normal wavey water in the foreground.

Drawing still life. A bottle on my desk. Triangle hills in the distance with triangles inside it. Jagged spikes vertical in the sky with clouds sourounding it. Wavey water in the foreground.

I have been enjoying listening to Elvis on Spotify and decided to draw a portrait of him.

Big square in the middle.

Four characters.

Fusion Professionals logo stuff.

Hands in the top left.

Taking notes during the disaster hackathon in newcastle.

Character with clouds.

Minion creature with spike teeth and a ship on a angle behind them.

RDO duck toy that I drew from still life. It’s sitting in water with triangle hills in the distance. Clouds in the sky.

Reducted Nudes

A robot in the center.

Another robot in the foreground. Hills with circles. Clouds in the sky.

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It is the end of April so due for an update. I have not been doing much drawing, but here is something.

Draw the snap logo. Lots of squggly large circles with circles inside. A portrait with very spiky teeth.

Lots of squares in the sky with triangles coming out of each edge. A square inside some squares. At the bottom - the water horizon. No portraits in this one.

Fusion Professional website redesign ideas. They sketched out a circle diagram that they wanted turned digital. This is one aspect of it.

Fusion Professionals logo experiments and start of tshirt ideas.

Two characters holding hands in the front of a landscape. Clouds in the sky.

One full character minus a leg. Large rocks amongst the water.
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Hello and Welcome to April 2019. No April Fools joke this year. I have a new job which is great. Here’s some artwork that I done.

A landscape with a squiggle

A landscape with circles.

Vertical Squiggles.

Brenton Tarrant portrait. I’ve drawn many terrorists in the past so needed to draw Brenton also.

Rick from Rick and Morty.

A cat eye creature thing.

Bearded Creatures.
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This is artwork from feb and march. I have not been doing much art as I have started a role as a API developer which takes up most of my time. I still want to continue with this and keep it update - maybe once a month at least.

Remix items from the FusionProfessionals website.

An alien in the landscape

Remix FP careers page.

A happy character


pole or trunk with clouds or leaves.

pepper and carrot character. There is often very few male characters in the comic so I like to draw them whenever I see one.

Tyk is api gateway software that I have been learning. It’s great because you can build apis and not worry about auth keys and limits.

a cheeky smile.
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