
Open licenced artwork by William Mckee


The first week of my study at Waikato Uni is over. This post contains the notes I took during the week along with life drawing, and Pepper Carrot drawings


New character that was introduced in the Pepper and Carrot comic. Advertising, demand, and price notes for my econ100 class.


Making choices on what products to produce. List of alt choices.


No thick to thin. Must of unplugged the tablet and not noticed. If this happens the best way to fix the issue is to close GIMP and reopen.


Wendy was the model at Life Drawing Hamilton. This was the final two drawings I did of her for the day. I left life drawing early as I wanted to get home before school finished.


Wendy long post. Jaged edges with the pen tool. It really makes a difference to the flow of the image if I am able to create thick/thin lines.


It had been months since I had attended life drawing. It was certainly a challenge getting back into it. The small Pi screen does not help. I am hoping to buy a larger monitor for the Pi soon.


Warmup poses. Starting with writing life drawing hamilton and the date - March 3rd along the top of the page.


Microeconomics notes. These were mostly taken from a intro to economics podcast I listened to. There were 15 episodes and they were around 20 minutes each. I may go back and listen to them in the future.


Notes from class on the difference between Normal and Inferior goods. Normal you buy more if income up, and less if income down. Inferior - you buy more if income down and less if income up.


There is a new Pepper and Carrot comic - number 21. I always like to redraw the enviorments in the comic - this time it was the stadium. Castles and pillars.


Pepper and Carrot. Episode 21: The Magic Contest.


Notes from ECON100 on course overall.


ECON100 notes. Substitutes and Complementary. Coke and Pepsi are substitutes. If you buy one - you are not going to buy the other. Hot dog/Hot dog bun. This is a complementary. These items go together.


ECON100 examples and skills to pass the course. Be curious.


ECON100 Topic 1: Introduction. What is Economics.

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Concepts of Economics. I am doing ECON100 through Waikato Uni. These are notes that I have been taking from wikieducater.


More notes for ECON100. Here I am looking at the equations. Portrait of Lessig on the top right.


Larry 2020. Text taken from xkcd comic. Writing a short story on Lessig for my next writers group. One of the prompts was You’re Fired so I looked at the 2016 election and those that stood for President.


Beatlejuice. Grim Little Prraire House. This was the theme for Concept Art EOW.


Just drawing. No notes. Character in the middle of the page. Landscape below. Landscape in the distance.


Sharp teeth in the mouth on the left. Water below. Landscape in the distance.


Character on the top right with wave lines coming out of his forehead.

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Portrait of Bernie Saunders. Only drew his eyes and nose then ended up just doodling.


This was created when watching Man in the High Tower season 2


Large rectangle shape with lots of small circles. Landscape at the bottom


Notes from Hamilton Computer Club Feb 2017. Had someone from NeedaNerd come and do a talk. It was a good overall of whats hing


SketchDaily figure studies. Life Drawing Hamilton will startup again in March. Warmups for that.

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Collab piece with mr3. His lines are thin and straight. Focusing on the centre of the image.


Playing with shapes. Repeating usual patterns. Long horizontal rectangle filled with circles.


Ideas from Fall Of Copy. Novel started in November 2016. Currently editing the rough draft. Cut.


gst-switch. Software based system for interactive live mixing of incoming video streams, designed for needs of conference recording. Sketched when watching Linux Conf Aus 2017 videos. Do go check the talks out.


HDMI2USB. Open video capture hardware + firmware. Sketched diagram of setup. Artistic twist.


Issac Grayscale. Grayscale layer of the life drawing. Cut off forehead. Black circles are beard. Darker area on arm is tattoos.


Issac Line. Line layer of the life drawing. Detail on the fake tattoos. No background. Arm resting on nothing.


Novel idea after watching season 2 of The Man in The High Tower. Oceanic.


More novel ideas and sketches of objects connected.


Tims Videos Streaming System. Sketch of the board. Some areas missing and unclear.

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Color layer of the toy car and looney tunes character. Didn’t cover the whole page but just key areas. Matched up colors of the car with the paint color.


grayscale layer of toy car and looney tunes character.


line layer of toy car and looney tunes character. I asked someone for a request to draw and they gave me a childs car toy to draw. It was fun - something different that I usually would never draw. I love requests. Included also is a Loony Tunes character - this was drawn from a reference image.


dns line. Random doodles as usual.


hello. can you hear me.


zalando content that I forgot to include in the previous post.


grayscale layer of the Zalando content. Focus on key and important areas.


Zalando line layer.

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I have been working on the Zalando API. Have been looking for a Fashion API for sometime and very happy with this. This artwork was creating in between breaks of writing code.


grayscale layer. Portrait on the left and building out from there. Didn’t finish everything


Line layer. Connecting circles with rectangles


landscape along the top left. Continue with pipe and square ideas



Zalando ideas. Been improving the api and went further with sketching ideas and brainstorming. Text is from their website


Continue Zalando brainstorm. Menu, script, item ideas.


zalando written in top left. Robots and landscapes


Goals of the api. Landscapes. Water is everywhere.

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line. water in lower area. figure on the right.


Stamp of a brush created. A grayscale portrait. It’s scaled down so unable to notice it. Portraits and squiggles in background.


Several empty areas - lower left.


Grayscale tonal layer of the churchhill line drawing. Church darkest area and mid tones surrounding.


Line layer of churchhill. Church building on the left. This was created when watching season three of American Horror Story. A character figure on the right.


A full page of line. Focusing on circles - adding a X to the centre of the circles.


EOW Datacentre. For I like to look at the prompts but do not submit. Maybe it’s something that I should do.


Character in top left with guitar. Portrait and figure on the right


Portrait on the top left.


Portrait in lower left. Legs on the top right. Legs are something that I need to draw more often.


Line layer. Landscape in the background with all the usual elements.


Asked for a request. Was given the prompt Nachos. Lots of triangles.


Just a warmup portrait. Glasses. Tentacles coming out of the face.


very minimal portrait. star on the bottom left.


spikes. spikes everywhere


Color version of the WellyFigure from the previous post. Yellow for skin. Pink for clothing. Green for water. Green for objects in background. Blue for the sky.

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The first update in months. I have not attended life drawing since September. In November my Raspberry Pi 7 inch TFT broke along with losing the pen. I have recently replaced the pen but not the TFT. Instead I am using the old 3.5 inch broken screen. It’s not as easy to use as the larger offical screen - but better than nothing. I have also been using the Pi connected to a normal monitor - though this is not portable.

Here are several pieces of artwork that I have created since I got a new pen.


This was drawn when I was working on the NBA api. I wrote a script that downloaded gifs for each NBA team. If I was to go back and extend it further I would merge gifs with player names.


ConceptArt Environment of the Week. Interior or exterior of a market vendor selling weapons in the middle ages. I didn’t end up drawing anything but it’s a good warmup.


Landscape and shapes, portrait and house on a hill. Alien like create standing on a rock in the water.


Friends children portrait. Photo was taken in the middle of December. Like usual I made them look much older than they really are.


Grayscale tonal layer. Issues with their ears and who goes in fron of who. In the end - made the boy in front with the girl slightly behind. Light backgground with no detail.


Colour tonal layer. Yellow for the skin, red for the hair and mouth. Red was used for the darker areas of the nose but it should be a darker yellow. Blue for the background. Green for the boys tshirt, and pink for the girls.


Landscape. Creature to the left. Waves leading into the foreground.


Grayscale tonal. Light for the sky in the distance. Mid dark for everything else.


Girl holding a mic. Usual background


Grayscale tonal. Standing on a darker area.


Line layer overtop of the mic girl grayscale tonal layer. Replaced the girl with a spike creature.


Reference was a old wellington painting - one of my favorites. Replaced the figure with a new figure.


Grayscale tonal layer of the Wellington figure.

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Blog has been fixed. Moved everything to and redirected You can browse posts from 2011 and the images will be displayed correctly. I have also added a .gitignore with the github repo. This isn’t part of master yet. Merge will be done.

Writing a new novel. I start to edit the novel I wrote in November (NanoWriMo). It was frustrating to edit and decided to start something fresh instead.

In April Camp NanoWriMo is happening so I have set a goal to write a children fantasy novel based on the web comic [Pepper and Carrot](]. Despite starting in April I have gone ahead and started something now. The Pepper and Carrot wiki has been helpful, along with the artwork that I have created.

I have been reading - mostly fantasy. Since my last post I finished The Never Ending Story, Good Omens, Paper Money, and started The Pillars of the Earth. Reading is great for my writing and puts me in an excellent mood.

Recent artwork, majority of it focused on Pepper and Carrot and idea generation for the novel.


Focused on writing idea generation for the novel in this piece. I want to intrude a dog character, based on Patches (dog I take for regular walks). Drew areas of this when I was talking him for a walk. Includes a sketch of Carrot and my toes.


Pepper&Carrot characters and creates. Need to develop a protagonist.


Grayscale layer! Had fun with the castle.


Large portrait of Pepper. Theme for next WritersDenHamilton: Why am I not famous? Thought was to write a short story with Death (was reading Good Omens).


Tree city in Pepper&Carrot web comic. Drew this when I was at Computer Club today. It was a successfully Saturday workshop. For once I didn’t get into an argument.


Character sketches. Attempted to bring ‘witch’ elements into the characters with their pointy hats.


This was drawn when I was at WritersDenHamilton. My setup is great that it allows me to just draw when I am in meetings so that I don’t get bored. Couldn’t be better!

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I went on a search for artists that licence their work under a free creative commons licence. Through the site DeviantArt (which needs a CC licence search filter) I found Pepper and Carrot. Not only is it a very high quality professional web comic, it is licensed under the super awesome CC BY.

I used the web comic as reference and redrew it in my own style, along with a few extra doodles thrown in there.

Enjoy -


Creative Commons icons redrawn with excellent round circles.


I have been reading the NeverEndingStory. I had seen the movie. The book is excellent. These sketches were created when I was reading the book. Almost finished it so need to decide on the next book - considering a Terry Pratchet Discworld novel that contains witches since that will work well with the recent Pepper and Carrot drawings.


The first Pepper and Carrot sketch. One of the most appealing elements about the web comic is the focus on environment - something I am passionate about.

I had to switch some things around - such as the mailbox and didn’t include the birds. I’ve also gone my own way with clouds and trees behind the house.


The first sketch of the characters. Didn’t include any background, only the characters and the book that Pepper is drawing in. The text is written in caps.


Including the characters and elements of the room. I love the high angle!


Sketch of other two witches. Fire is smoking.


Pepper rushing off. I liked the blur movement effects in the original. Mine has this with the foot being redrawn. I don’t erase, only draw.


Pepper and Carrot on the broomstick. Had fun drawing the pillars. Should of left space in the sky for the text which I ended up cramming in.


I didn’t end up finishing redrawing the whole comic. There was nothing in the rest that really made me want to draw it. Had lots of fun with this though.

For NanoWriMo this year I might write a novel based on Pepper and Carrot.


Started drawing elements from another Pepper and Carrot comic - where the two are on a beach. I liked the monster and the change in enviorments.


I redrew a comic from mooselakecartoons Just something simple.


Drew this at Waikato Uni. Mostly environment from imagination but a observational drawing on the top right.

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